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16x9 DVD

This is a discussion on 16x9 DVD within the Alternative photography forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; I don't know if anyone has tried this but My Sony Blu-Ray player has a slide show function so if ...

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    Michaelaw's Avatar
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    Default 16x9 DVD

    I don't know if anyone has tried this but My Sony Blu-Ray player has a slide show function so if I were to shoot with 16x9 format in mind and re size to 1280x720 to fill the screen of my 42" LCD TV It kinda blows those small image frame things right out of the water and you can get lots of pics on a DVD. I'm sure you guys are saying "Get with the times dude...We've been doing that for months!" I'm kind of slow and just started doing this. Just really blown away as to how good it looks...Just add music

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    kat is offline Senior Member
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    Ha ha! I've yet to figure out how to burn a DVD with photos that will actually play on my DVD player!!! I burn and nothing!!! You are up on me!
    My new blog as of Nov/10

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    Michaelaw's Avatar
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    It only seems to work on my Blu-Ray player, my other Sony Regular Ray won't have anything to do with the idea

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    AntZ's Avatar
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    My 46" Samsung can do it native from USB stick. I can even stick my usb card reader with my CF card straight out of the camera in and it works.

    It doesn't get much easier than than. And the photos look spectacular even if you don't do anything to them. The one BIG thing I have noticed is colour and brightness variation. This goes somewhat to one of Marks's podcasts regarding monitor calibration. I wonder if a monitor calibrator could be used on a TV?
    The strangest thing is one photo that looks bright on the TV might be dark on the PC, and another photo that is dark on the TV seems dark on the PC. Work that out!

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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntZ View Post
    I wonder if a monitor calibrator could be used on a TV?
    The strangest thing is one photo that looks bright on the TV might be dark on the PC, and another photo that is dark on the TV seems dark on the PC. Work that out!
    Unless your TV has a PC built in we can put the calibration software on then nope ... no monitor calibration for you

    The light/dark thing ... only thing I can suggest is it's something to do with the colour range of the individual photos. Strange one indeed.


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