View Full Version : Blending Two Photos

09-04-2010, 07:04 PM
I've been playing around with the process of blending two photos together in CS3. Two copies of the same shot with one exposed darker pasted on top of the lighter one, Using the paintbrush tool, I'm trying to brush out the lighter sky to reveal the darker one below.

This I have no problem with. The problem I do have is trying to brush out the lighter sky around trees, shrubs, grasses etc etc.

Can anybody let me know if there is an easy and quick way to do this and still have the shot look realistic?


Mad Aussie
09-04-2010, 08:59 PM
So you've got the two photos layered ... and then created a layer mask on the upper layer right? Then you are using the black brush (set at whatever opacity/flow suits your need) to blend specific areas through?

What your issue is blending through the sky without also including leaves, branches etc yes?

If so ... you need to select the 'Patience' brush ... you'll find it in your mind somewhere ;) Basically zooming in and selecting a different size brush to suit the area you are working on (and the different softness levels of the brush) is the way. Keep zooming out and seeing how you're going from time to time.

09-04-2010, 09:49 PM
So you've got the two photos layered ... and then created a layer mask on the upper layer right? Then you are using the black brush (set at whatever opacity/flow suits your need) to blend specific areas through?

What your issue is blending through the sky without also including leaves, branches etc yes?

If so ... you need to select the 'Patience' brush ... you'll find it in your mind somewhere ;) Basically zooming in and selecting a different size brush to suit the area you are working on (and the different softness levels of the brush) is the way. Keep zooming out and seeing how you're going from time to time.

the best advice..