View Full Version : Variations

09-28-2008, 09:44 PM
Since it has no comments just removed it. This thread can be deleted.

10-03-2008, 12:07 AM
I didn't even get a chance to see it.... put it back up...

10-03-2008, 12:25 AM
yeah, huh? what was posted under the 'variations' heading? :confused:

10-07-2008, 08:18 PM
Here it is again, I am always cleaning what I put on flikr out so when it had no responses I just deleted it, I rarely leave anything on my flikr page very long, just what I am hosting for people or for postings. Just trying different ways to shoot live bands. Looking to get some variation in the way I am shooting them. I get lots of good shots but trying to break out of just getting good shots. This was shot at the El Macambo in Toronto during a live performance.


10-07-2008, 09:22 PM
i dunno... i enjoy must of your work but gotta be honest this shot doesn't work for me...

the exposure on the shoulder detracts from the overall mood i think you are trying to create.... maybe if you were standing a tad more camera right you could thin out that shoulder and expose a bit more of the face??

i know what you mean though.... straight up well composed shots of musician can seem a little too ... well.. straight up... you might get some creative flare by picking up that wide lens.... vertical portraits shot really wide can add some zing and creative perspective.... especially if you are close and underneath the stage...

good try though..

10-07-2008, 10:46 PM
i dont know - if i were the dude on the guitar, i think i'd want to add something like this for variety on my cd insert thingy. (you know, background for the lyrics pages...)
good experimentation!

10-07-2008, 11:02 PM
Thanks for the comments, it is being used by that guitarist, so as long as he was happy I am. I think in the final version highlights are toned down a bit and I did a few other things. But with the my naming conventions leave a lot to be desired and this was the most accessible version I had available. Since photography is an art, not all photos are for everyone, as they say Art is in the eye of the beholder. I do appreciate all the comments though. Thanks.

10-09-2008, 12:58 PM
I think it is a wonderfully creative shot... totally unexpected and holds my interest and gets me asking questions about the artist himself... I would definitely consider this an art shot. Well done!

ps - try not to be so quick to delete - as the forum grows, you need to be patient with the fact that new stuff lands on top of new stuff at a quicker pace and it may take a bit before people get to the post that is older... i hope that makes sense and encourage you to be patient. you offer wonderful work that is quite enjoyable to view.

10-12-2008, 04:19 AM
I think it is a wonderfully creative shot... totally unexpected and holds my interest and gets me asking questions about the artist himself... I would definitely consider this an art shot. Well done!

ps - try not to be so quick to delete - as the forum grows, you need to be patient with the fact that new stuff lands on top of new stuff at a quicker pace and it may take a bit before people get to the post that is older... i hope that makes sense and encourage you to be patient. you offer wonderful work that is quite enjoyable to view.

I don't try but I shoot tons of bands and need to try and keep some semblance of order, I upload, they download, they let me know I take them down. If not it would just be to overwhelming for me to keep track. I have at least 7 shows in the next 7 weeks, it just my system and works for me. That may change soon my concert photography site should be live soon so I can allow each band to access it through the site in a secure fashion.I only use flikr because I just got over booked and did not time to get my distribution sorted out yet. I finally decided how I am doing it, just the time to get to it now done.