View Full Version : In Need of Advice- on trading access for rights to use photos

02-01-2011, 05:22 PM
Hi all! I'm in need of some advice and I hope you can help.

I've been contacted by the Exec Director of a venue that I shot, she wants to trade me for the rights to use a few of my photos for a few hours of access to shoot the interior of the building.

I'm new to this, so in your opinion, is this a fair trade? Are there some things I should insist on (like photo cred, keeping my watermark on the shot, etc).
Any help or advice you can offer is VERY MUCH appreciated!

Thank you!

Shots (#3 & 4 in the gallery) of the location in question (I have to share, I'm a little excited:rolleyes:). Night Shift @ T.A. Gill Photography (http://tagillphoto.com/archives/1079)

02-01-2011, 07:42 PM
I can tell you what I would do and you can take it from there.

I would offer them an unlimited license to use the photos in any way they see fit. I would allow them to use it in any fashion they wanted as long as I got credit for the shot. Giving away the license means you give up ownership of the shot and that's something I would never do. All my shots on my Flickr stream are Creative Commons which means anyone can have a copy to do with as they please as long as they don't profit from it. If commercial interests crop in they have to contact me. I don't mind my shots being out there, I just don't want anyone to profit from them and I don't want to give up ownership.

Those are lovely shots and I wouldn't give them away. I think as long as they don't feel restricted or forced to pay heavy fees every time they want to use them they might accept your offer of an unlimited license with credit. If not, you have to decide how important those two shots are to you.

02-01-2011, 08:55 PM
Thank you very very much Iguanasan! I really appreciate your help. You've given me a perfect place to start, I agree with the unlimited license, seems reasonable and everyone (IMHO) wins.