View Full Version : Last Years Lillies

06-23-2011, 07:46 PM
Looking back thru some old pics I found a few from the garden last year that had not been processed yet. I had been playing around trying to see what I could do with pics that were partially shaded. In a month or so I should be able to update with something a little more recent.

These orange ones grow in clumps like a day lily but stay open for a few weeks

These grow several to a stem but this was the best pic for now

The flowers on a white weigela. Just like the look of this one!

And last this yellow one is a fave.

06-25-2011, 08:09 AM
Nice set Aub. I like the last one, cool shadow play here!

06-26-2011, 06:48 AM
I like the water on #1, the shiny bits on #3 and the shadows on the last one. Nice set. I did notice, however, that all the images are very small in file size, 43KB, 49KB for instance. It looks like they've been resized by the board software which has softened them a bit. Were they larger than 250KB before you uploaded them?

06-27-2011, 08:08 PM
Thanks guys!
Iggy....they were all larger than the 250kb before uploading. I have been noticing that some of the photos I reduce before uploading have been looking a little off. Just thought I'd try uploading a few large ones to see how they came out. The only really decent shot of the 4 was the 3rd one and it did surprisingly retain alot of its quality.