View Full Version : Your favourite printing paper........

08-26-2011, 08:13 AM
for either colour or monochrome?

And any particular reason why you like the paper you've chosen. A pro I know who does FAN uses Ilford Gold Silk baryta paper on an Epson R2400 and his results are wonderful. I'm about to drop $ on the R2880 and wonder what people use for their own printing.

08-26-2011, 08:54 AM
i love baryta paper as it often comes in thicknesses and finishes that resemble the thick-ass fibre paper i used to print on in my golen darkroom days - lol.
I use a variety of papers, but like your pro friend, one of my faves is fineart baryta but by hahnemuhle.
Just in case you might be interested, i reviewed several excellent papers in 2 podcasts last year.
85 – Inkjet paper review 1 – German etching – Fine art Baryta by Hahnemuhle | Photography podcast blog and forum - Photography.ca (http://www.photography.ca/blog/2010/07/22/85-inkjet-paper-review-1-german-etching-fine-art-baryta-by-hahnemuhle/)
86 - Inkjet paper review 2 (http://www.photography.ca/blog/2010/08/27/86-%E2%80%93-inkjet-paper-review-2-museo-silver-rag-portfolio-rag-moab-entrada-bright/)

08-26-2011, 11:09 AM
I too love the Hahnemuhle Fine Art Baryta. It makes a beautiful print. It is has a wonderful "hand" feel and of course is "Archival". If you want to impress someone, just hand them a large sized, well made print on the Baryta.

08-27-2011, 05:37 PM
Has anybody tried out the Hahnemuhle Bamboo Fine Art Paper? I've been reading up on it and it sounds like my future medium.

08-27-2011, 06:08 PM
Hahnemuhle William Turner love the texture.

08-28-2011, 01:28 PM
Thanks Greg - I have touched this paper and do have a sample that I should try for myself.
German fine etching from hahnemuhle is also fab when you want texture in a paper