View Full Version : What Have You People Done To Me?

09-09-2011, 08:17 PM
Ever since I got back into photography, all I do now is think when I see something interesting, "That would be a cool shot!"or "Wish I had my camera!", etc...

I am looking at EVERYTHING as a potential photo image, asking myself,'"How would I shoot that?"or "Just think if I did this with a camera!"

People of Photography.ca, get out of my head!!!!

09-09-2011, 08:51 PM
Hey we aren't the cause, we just enable :)

09-12-2011, 01:30 PM
Yeah, well, it's been 8 years since I picked up my first digital camera and I still have those moments. Welcome to obsession :)

09-12-2011, 07:44 PM
It is how many photographers think, your eyes dart around constantly looking for that image, that shot, why learning to carry a camera all the time makes sense. It also makes you so much more aware of your surroundings and the wonderful things you see everyday.

09-14-2011, 05:19 PM
I know the feeling. Spend the miles going down the road thinking the same thing. Like this morning, came up on a great field with trees coming out of the fog next to a pond. Looked great, and I could not get pulled over to get it.