View Full Version : macro beginner 3

11-22-2011, 04:17 AM
Here is another attempt, 3 hand-held shots taken, and then stacked. i would have taken more but he shifted!

Taken with a 17-270 telephoto lens with a +4 close up filter attached.

shot at...
iso 400
1/200 sec

Comments and feedback please.


11-22-2011, 12:09 PM
This might just be too slow to be handheld for a macro. Best bet is a tripod if possible. If I had to go handheld I'd up the shutterspeed (make it faster) by 1-2 stops. That "heavish" lens doesn't help stability wise in this case - shutter priority might come in handy in cases like this.
Hope that may help.

11-22-2011, 01:29 PM
I like the colour and these guys are hard to catch so good on you for doing that. The eyes don't seem to be as sharp as other parts of the image which I kind of find a bit distracting.