View Full Version : Rokinon Lenses?

Kevin McRae
11-27-2011, 01:55 PM
I'm sure some of you have seen these lenses available online. They are very inexpensive and can mount to several different cameras (with the required attachments of course). I've been reading about them for weeks and most of the reviews I've read are great.

Does anyone use these? Here's ones I've been looking at.

Rokinon 8mm F3.5 Ultra Wide Fisheye Lens for Sony Alpha DSLR Cameras: Amazon.ca: Electronics (http://www.amazon.ca/Rokinon-Ultra-Fisheye-Alpha-Cameras/dp/B002LU3DLA/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1322416281&sr=1-1)

Rokinon 800M-B-MX 800mm F8.0 Mirror Lens for Sony Alpha (Black): Amazon.ca: Electronics (http://www.amazon.ca/Rokinon-800M-B-MX-800mm-Mirror-Alpha/dp/B004JHY5M4/ref=sr_1_10?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1322416281&sr=1-10)

I see in the 800mm that it is a mirror lense and my only option is manual focus.

I can't afford several thousand dollar cameras and I think I could have fun with some of these lenses for the price. Does anyone here have these lenses?

11-27-2011, 07:23 PM
You may want to check this thread out Kevin. http://www.photography.ca/Forums/f11/thrilled-my-samyang-8mm-fisheye-lens-fogo-island-13866.html
Seems to be a favourite of many if you do a search on any photo forums. Very cheap with outstanding results. Don't know if I would ever touch a mirror lens though. Better off to save up and/or look for a decent quality used lens of one of the more well known major brands when getting into telephoto.

11-27-2011, 10:53 PM
Hi Kevin I have the 500mm rokinon and I believe some others on here have the fisheye. Its hit and miss with the 500mm . For instance the conditions need to be almost perfect outside as the tele convertor sold with it makes it a f12.6 . I have however had some success in shooting ospreys and some other wildlife with it. But remember , you get what you pay for...