View Full Version : Line of Defence

Ben H
01-02-2009, 05:01 PM

So I saw this interesting sight - a bird on each pillar stretching across the river. I took a number of framing options, and in the end I went with this one.

While it doesn't show the birds as clearly as I'd like, I felt it worked best compositionally (the other shots from different angles and so on showed the lineup much better, but I thought were just a bit too literal and boring.)

So yeah - not totally happy with it, and I think in retrospect it would have been better with a larger depth of field. And I should probably remove the birds in the water too. I *might* even crop out some of the "empty" posts in the foreground as well...

Which probably means it fails on most counts, but hey... ;)

Lesson learnt - when you can't find satisfaction in the shots you take, keep trying framing options until you get something you feel better about directly in camera.

01-02-2009, 05:45 PM
A++++++ Wonderful capture!

01-02-2009, 09:47 PM
Agree with TT - top notch work.

Ben H
01-02-2009, 10:09 PM
Hey thanks guys!

I'm wondering perhaps that I might be able to help distinguish the birds a little more by burning in the edges to define them a bit - this would help separate the birds and aid the eye in what it's seeing.

Might give that a go too...

01-05-2009, 09:48 PM
Love the composition! I really enjoy this shot!

Maybe a wider aperature to get more sharpeness through out the pic ( I think that is how it works - still fooling around with that one) but I enjoy it!!
