View Full Version : Child's Hands

01-13-2009, 08:58 AM
Another one of those photos that just happened one day out playing with my son. This one has post work done in Photoshop.

01-13-2009, 10:00 AM
love it and your choice to use b/w with the selective color of the beetle.:)

01-13-2009, 12:30 PM
VERY well done. Love the light. My only improvement would have been to have that ladybug tack sharp. Still, very nice shot.

01-13-2009, 12:42 PM
it's cute! and this is good use of selective colouring imo....

I would have liked to seen the lady bug sharper(as marko said) but also in on the other index finger facing the camera

I might also smooth the skin a tad but this is personal. I have several macros of my sons hands and feet and the flash seems to expose the wrinkles more than you would perceive in live viewing. Sometimes, it's hard to tell the hands are that of a child with these types of shots.

Nice work

01-13-2009, 06:00 PM
My only improvement would have been to have that ladybug tack sharp.

Any tips on getting tack sharp focus when your subject is a moving bug on a three year old's moving hands?

I'm guessing manual focus is a must in a situation like this. Since I'm a relative beginner I tend to be a little apprehensive about turning the autofocus off.

01-13-2009, 06:11 PM
Any tips on getting tack sharp focus when your subject is a moving bug on a three year old's moving hands?

I'm guessing manual focus is a must in a situation like this. Since I'm a relative beginner I tend to be a little apprehensive about turning the autofocus off.

Set the shutter release to continuous and blast away. There should be enough contrast in the lady bug to catch the attention of the focus servo, but the childs moving hands may periodically throw it off. Best to take multiple shots and you will likely nail a couple out of ten. Maybe even more if there is a brief second where the childs hands don't move.

You could also focus manually and sway your body back and forth while continously shooting. I'll often do this for macro shots where the smallest movement throws things out of focus.

01-18-2009, 02:26 PM
Love it! Great colour selection :)