View Full Version : Not So Raging Waterfall

Mike Bons
08-06-2012, 09:08 AM
This waterfall is usually a raging high flow fall which somewhat prohibits getting any decent shots. However with the drought this year the flow is but a trickle compared to normal. These are taken with a 5D and 50mm F/1.4, and the last is a 7D 10-22mm F3.5-4.5 all are HDR's.





08-06-2012, 11:20 AM
Wonderful photographs, Mike. The last shot of the falls reminds me of one that we have here in The Smokies.

08-06-2012, 11:12 PM
Very nice.

08-10-2012, 05:37 AM
Very nice set Mike. Really like that last one with the contrasting colours and the depth in it.

08-10-2012, 10:29 AM
Very strong set!
Shots 2 and 4 are my faves here.
can you describe the PP here?

Matt K.
08-10-2012, 10:59 AM
Nice HDR's for sure ... love the milky waters. Waterfalls do not have to be raging in order to be beautiful, as demonstrated here. As a matter of fact, from a "painting" point of view, this is more desirable, anyways. Great job.

Mike Bons
08-12-2012, 12:22 AM
Very strong set!
Shots 2 and 4 are my faves here.
can you describe the PP here?

Thanks everyone. Marko, I believe all these were 3 exposure HDRs, 2 stops apart except for #2 which was 6 exposures 1 stop apart. Basically I underestimated how quickly I would loose light and had to get a move on. Converted RAWs to TIFFs in DPP so I could use Canons Digital Lens Optiizer, then used Topaz Labs De-Noise, then use Photomatix to created HDRs and tonemapped. Reopened TIFFs in Photoshop and used Topaz Labs Adjust 5 for a little extra pop. Because I liked #2 the most, I spent a little extra time and isolated the water and did a little desat in PS. If you notice the other images the water is a little 'muddy' presumably from the high iron content in the water which is accentuated with HDR.