View Full Version : Alone in a crowd

03-08-2013, 09:33 PM

03-09-2013, 05:03 AM
Nice work with the dof to single them out Ed. Lovely comp., and I still love the look from film.

Matt K.
03-10-2013, 01:00 AM
Super image. the separation of the couple is dy-no-mite.

03-10-2013, 11:24 AM
Nice work with the dof to single them out Ed. Lovely comp., and I still love the look from film.

Super image. the separation of the couple is dy-no-mite.

Cheers HBG and Matt, the late afternoon light made all the difference in getting them isolated from the rest of the crowd

03-10-2013, 09:01 PM
Good shot Ed. As was said before, very nice isolation of the subjects.

If it were mine I would consider burning in the top 20% of the frame (but that is just me)

03-10-2013, 11:46 PM
Nicely done and I love the results. My only nitpicky thing is that you need to work on a better title. You almost stole mine - http://www.photography.ca/Forums/black-white-monochrome-monotone-photography-forum/18146-alone-crowd.html - heheheheheheh :) :)

03-11-2013, 08:12 AM
This has a feel to it with the Bw - really dig it.