View Full Version : Non-convert RAW images go under exposed when I load to LR

06-06-2013, 10:17 PM
I see my images in Cannon Digital Photo Professional, they look good. If I don't convert to jpg, the RAW image darkens like it is under exposed and if I increase the exposure in LR, it looks bad.

If I convert and save from RAW to jpg and than load into LR, it is fine.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

06-06-2013, 10:45 PM
Just guessing - but this is what I suspect is happening.

When you process a raw file, the actual file itself isn't changed, but a "sidecar" file is created that tells the software how to read the original file. In this way it is non destructive. I am guessing that LR is reading that sidecar file differently than DPP (or not at all). I think the idea with DPP is to save the file as a TIFF file before editing in your program of choice. Note that by saving it as a TIFF you will save it as a 16 bit file (as opposed to an 8 bit jpg file) and keep a bit more image quality.

It does add an extra step to your workflow, and is a bit cumbersome, and as mentioned in the earlier thread may not be of any benefit if you are using LR4

06-06-2013, 10:48 PM
Not at all, but I import all my photos directly into LR convert to DNG and save to a backup hard drive. From there I decide which photos I want to work on, most get just the basics, others that I want to play with get sent to either Elements, Nik or Topaz. Any that I want to upload elsewhere get saved to my computer as a jpeg or possibly a Tiff file if I want to preserve the layers. I have not experienced anything like you have mentioned.

06-06-2013, 11:25 PM
Just guessing - but this is what I suspect is happening.

When you process a raw file, the actual file itself isn't changed, but a "sidecar" file is created that tells the software how to read the original file. In this way it is non destructive. I am guessing that LR is reading that sidecar file differently than DPP (or not at all). I think the idea with DPP is to save the file as a TIFF file before editing in your program of choice. Note that by saving it as a TIFF you will save it as a 16 bit file (as opposed to an 8 bit jpg file) and keep a bit more image quality.

It does add an extra step to your workflow, and is a bit cumbersome, and as mentioned in the earlier thread may not be of any benefit if you are using LR4

I am doing nothing to the images in DPP. I just load from my camera to DPP and than when I work them into LR as RAW, they darken. It only seems to happen to some images. Can I directly load into LR from camera, skipping DPP?

06-06-2013, 11:40 PM
Can I directly load into LR from camera, skipping DPP?

I am pretty sure you can - in fact that would be the preferred way to import and a catalog at the same time. The way I understand it, that is what LR is all about.

One of the LR users can probably assist you wit the detail here.

Unless you want to for some reason, there is no reason to use DPP at all. I don't any more.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 * Importing photos into Lightroom: Basic workflow (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/lightroom/using/WS427A4C94-2499-456d-8E17-AE09D3316A03.html)

Ron Cardinale
06-07-2013, 01:04 AM
It only seems to happen to some images.

Do you have your camera set to Highlight Tone Priority when you get the problem? I thought that Lr was supposed to understand that so it's maybe not the problem but you might check anyway.

06-07-2013, 11:18 AM
Can I directly load into LR from camera, skipping DPP?

100% you can.