View Full Version : Few pictures

02-11-2009, 10:16 PM
I've been doing photography for awhile now, but I just want to see what you guys/girls think of some of my photos.





02-11-2009, 10:41 PM
Nice work there! I really like these shots.

I've been "in to photography" for years but really only working at it for a short while so I don't think I'm really very good yet but I'll keep practicing. Since you put this in the Critiques section I'll give you my comments as much for you as practice for me. The more you can spot things like this in others photos the easier it is to spot them in your own.

1. The car is very underexposed. I kinda wish you had a flash or something to light up the car as much as the skyline. My eye drifts up to the sunset which is nice but not the subject of the photo.

2. Nice capture. I'd rather see the "white space" in front of the cyclist but that's a hard capture so I won't pick on you for that!

3. Nice exposure and nice model. I hate the hair in front of the eye thing but maybe that's just me. The only real complaint is the cropping. She's missing part of her arm and it's never a good idea to crop at body joints such as knees or elbows, etc.

4. Interesting shot of the park bench. Nice curves and exposure on the bench but the sky is blown out.

Regards, Iguanasan

Mad Aussie
02-12-2009, 02:10 AM
Welcome to Ph.ca kstrong.

Really nice photos there!

I can appreciate the car in shadow with that wonderful sunset as it is. I could also appreciate the car being well lit with a flash or something too.

The downhill MTB'er in flight is a nice pan shot (I take a lot of these myself) ... and I must say, a brave pan shot if you got that as it is in portrait. I think landscape would have been better though with some active space in front of the rider.

I like the girl on the car but not keen on the crop through the finger and elbow there. I'd have either cropped her clean through the shoulder somewhere that appealed or, because I like the steering wheel poking through the gap, I'd have cropped a tad wider to include her fingers and elbow. Nice lighting though!

The park bench I agree with Iguanasan ... the blown out sky is a shame because the composition and dof you picked here is excellent. With the possible exception again of the minor crop (perhaps it's just your way) but in this case it doesn't bother me.

02-12-2009, 12:10 PM
hello & welcome! nice shots here - its obvious you arent a newbie like me! :) as always though, this site will help you improve by leaps and bounds, im sure! the guys above have critqued your shots well, so i won't add the same thing again, but i will say, that if youre wanting to get a really good 'picked-apart' picture, its best to upload only one, or maybe 2 shots per thread - that way its easier for us scatterbrains to focus... ;) looking forward to seeing more of your work kstrong!

02-12-2009, 01:32 PM
I am in the same category as Iguanasan, into photography for years off and on but really only been working at it recently. My first impression at looking at ypur photos is wow! Nice shots! The others can do the bit of nitpicking necessary as they are more qualified then I.

Welcome to the forum!

02-12-2009, 06:30 PM
Thanks guys.

The crop on the girl is not a crop...Well it is, but not from that side. Ill show you what I mean, here is the original.


That picture didnt work out the way I planned so I cropped it to just the one model.

If you want to check out my other pictures you can go to www.flickr.com/photos/kirkstrong

Mad Aussie
02-13-2009, 12:03 AM
Well a crop can be done in pp or it can be done as you shoot. Just a personal view anyway ... as I said ... really nice shot and love the lighting.