View Full Version : What were they thinking? Stupid things you've seen people do in photography

08-19-2013, 09:40 AM
What are some of your funny stories that you have done or seen people do in photography?

My favorite was in B/W photography class back in college. A box of photo paper was about $120 a box for 50 sheets. Two girls in my class decided to split the cost of a box, so after one of the girls picked up the box, they took out the paper in the class room (not darkroom) and counted out 25 pages each.

08-19-2013, 10:46 AM
That's a good one AT!

Trying to photograph fireworks with flash is a fave of mine - but yours is funnier.

08-19-2013, 10:55 AM
I don't know if I have any specific stories but it always amazes me the number of times people will use their camera phone or point and shoot in a 10,000 seat stadium and try to take pictures with the popup or LED flash. :) A bit like Marko's story actually.