View Full Version : Sort of Baycon follow-up (and the rest of the summer)

08-25-2013, 08:55 PM
I ended up punting on the pictures. We started getting phone calls the day we arrived, and by Saturday, so many people were trying to find us that I just kept the camera in the bag and visited instead. People are doing better, especially the one with prostate cancer. His ex-wife and his boyfriend started working the pagan community after the insurance company told him they wouldn't pay for treatment because he was stage 4. In the words of his doctors, he has made a miraculous recovery. He wasn't there, but sent a message shortly after we got home, saying he wished he could have seen us, but he was still weak from the cancer.

After that, we started swamping out the house, because Dad was coming for a visit. And after that, prepping for an airshow. The weekend of the show was hot - over 100 both days. I saw several instances of melted shoes. We went through 1,000 pounds of ice on Saturday alone. The pilots had to wear gloves to handle the controls, and reported it was hot in the air, too. There was serious talk of simply not flying the last session on Sunday. They did it anyway.

We've got one of Mike's friends coming to visit tomorrow - professional bagpiper, currently living in Scotland. I told Mike to ask about any allergies or other health concerns. I've been learning more about gluten intolerance than I wanted to (my and Mike's intolerances are enough to deal with).

Let's see. 2 server crashes at work. Or was it 3? Fire season. Some really bad smokey days in the month of July especially. Carol fell off a horse again, and this time her arm is going to require surgery.

I do have some photos from the summer (especially from the airshow), and I'll try to post some soon. Murphy seems to be nodding off at the moment, and I'm wondering what I can do to get him to take a nice, long nap.

08-26-2013, 07:31 AM
sounds like you've been keeping busy.. :)

08-26-2013, 09:08 PM
Oh my God !!!. Really puts things in perspective. Makes my photography funk the last couple months seems like nothing compared to what you've been going through. You said you managed to get some photos. Love to see them.