View Full Version : Beakerhead Is Coming!

08-29-2015, 09:52 PM
Beakerhead (http://beakerhead.com/)

For those who live in Calgary, (or wish to travel to Calgary) Beakerhead is on from Sept 16 - 20 this year. There is an incredible amount of stuff to see and great opportunities for photography. Unfortunately, I will be out of town. Actually not unfortunate because it will be its own exciting thing. I really wanted to go to this though:

The Gorgeous Libation Tickets, Calgary | Eventbrite (http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-gorgeous-libation-tickets-17794978259)

I love the Barrons Building and dammit I wanted to see the Penthouse!

But there is also this:
Beakernight - Beakerhead (http://beakerhead.com/event/beakernight-2/)

And this:
A Taste of (http://beakerhead.com/event/a-taste-of-that-thing-in-the-desert/)

And this:
Steampunk Parasol Duelling Championship at Beakerhead (http://beakerhead.com/event/the2nd-annual-world-steampunk-parasol-duelling-championship/)

And just a whole lot of craziness.