View Full Version : Kirkcaldy Aerodrome (nudity)

Matt K.
09-28-2016, 07:35 PM
So I found this place: five old hangars used during the second world war to train pilots and navigators for the bombing runs over Germany. Now they are all falling apart, and have been sold off. There is a small sign on the highway alerting unsuspecting travelers about this, but if you do not know what you are looking for, you drive right past it. I got to know one of the owners and asked permission to take pictures on the inside. So after I filled out the release form (he did not want to take any chances: if something fell on me and killed me, would not be his fault :evil2: ). Model and help filled out the same form, and we shot a number of images. Here are some for your viewing pleasure.

Let's start with a general overview:


The another part of the hangar:


Then what I set out to do as well: trying to capture movement and then fix it with flash. Have to explain that it DID NOT WORK because I never tested it with my remotes :headslap: found out later that those remotes will only do rear curtain flash if the exposure is 1/2 second or less .... anything ove 1/2 second and the rear curtain function no longer works ... oh well


So i cheated and did a composite:


Change in outfits:


Nude steampunk:


Matt K.
09-28-2016, 07:36 PM
and one last composite:


10-05-2016, 03:11 AM
What an interesting place. Nice find.

I really like the last one - the composite. I also really like shots 3 & 5.

Just an observation. For some reason, lately I really seem to be having a burst of shots where I prefer a 16:9 aspect ratio (which is strange because I am normally fixed at 2:3). I think 16:9 could work really well for 3 & 5 too.

Matt K.
10-08-2016, 09:21 PM
What an interesting place. Nice find.

I really like the last one - the composite. I also really like shots 3 & 5.

Just an observation. For some reason, lately I really seem to be having a burst of shots where I prefer a 16:9 aspect ratio (which is strange because I am normally fixed at 2:3). I think 16:9 could work really well for 3 & 5 too.

Thanks Runmonty. Aspect Ratios are something weird for me ... I usually crop till I like the result. Sometimes they are square, sometimes they are in a 'ratio', but most times they are just the result of my 'vision'. Gotta give that a try, though, and see.