View Full Version : Summer Vacation...

06-07-2009, 06:13 AM
I'm heading through Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto this summer for summer vacation. Plan on taking the family to Canada's Wonderland, Marineland, Niagra Falls, CN Tower, and the Toronto Zoo.

Any suggestions of places to shoot or things to see on this whirlwind tour?

06-07-2009, 10:56 PM
Oh, I want to go back to Montreal soon. Wander about the old city and take pictures of everything. Go up the mountain too, there's an observatory whose name I can't think of, no telescopes it's a religious thing with a view and a nice little building. Don't forget the botanical gardens and the insectarium, with a macro lens or extension tube. The site of the 1976. Olympics is another spot you want to take some pictures at. I would love to see your pics afterwards, please share! Kurt

P.S. There's a nice park called parc de la fontaine along the street of the same name. At 994 Rachel Est and parc de la fontaine is the best poutine in Montreal, make sure you stop in, unless you have a heart condition, of course.

06-08-2009, 09:16 AM
Park Lafontaine (near that poutine place called La Banquise) is not far from me and It would be my pleasure to have a beer with you Iggy if you are interested. That offer applies to any member visiting Montreal; so long as i know a week or so in advance - I can plan it.

Spots in Montreal
Mount Royal on a Sunday (Tam Tam get togethers - very cool)
Old Montreal
Botanical gardens (which includes the Insectarium)
St. Joseph's Oratory

Hope that helps - Marko

06-08-2009, 09:54 PM
Sounds great, thanks for the tips! I was kinda wondering if I was going to get any suggestions at all.

I will definitely share my photos when I return (or while on the way). We're heading up at the end of July so it's a ways out yet but it will come soon, I'm sure.

06-08-2009, 10:11 PM
I just remembered something else about Montreal, I didn't go in, but should have, at the site of the olympics, go to the old velodrome, I can't remember what's inside, tropical plants or something like that. One of my regrets, for sure. Kurt

06-08-2009, 10:19 PM
Have a great trip, too Igs. And, if you take Marko up on that beer, make sure you post a photo for us! :)