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07-20-2009, 10:58 AM
What is the fastest way to process a large amount of images in dng format from lightroom to cs4 for sharpening and back to lightroom?

07-20-2009, 09:35 PM
Why do you need to do that? Lightroom already does the sharpening.
Actually when you open DNG into CS4 you will be converting it to another extension such as TIFF or JPG that means you will be destroying your pixels, the fastest way to do it is to export your files from the Catalog window into another folder then open photoshop and Batch process the folder applying a shapening action, save and closing.

07-20-2009, 09:43 PM
Why do you need to do that? Lightroom already does the sharpening.
Actually when you open DNG into CS4 you will be converting it to another extension such as TIFF or JPG that means you will be destroying your pixels, the fastest way to do it is to export your files from the Catalog window into another folder then open photoshop and Batch process the folder applying a shapening action, save and closing.

Actually when you export from lightroom to cs4, nothing happens to the original file, and when you save your changes it saves it as a tiff, leaving the original dng intact.

I have a sub par copy of a 70-200 L lens that is slightly soft and havent had time yet to send it off to canon for repair, and Lightrooms sharpening, in my opinion, is not as powerful as unsharp mask. I have a large number of images from a shoot that all need slight sharpening, and wish to batch process them, without have to export one at a time from lightroom and manually run the filter one at a time. I realize I could just import the dngs from the folder and batch them, but then I would not have the develop changes I already made in lightroom.