View Full Version : Could have been a better shot if....

08-03-2009, 10:50 AM
With the kind of shots I expected that day, I had my camera set up in normal/landscape orientation on a monopod. Well actually it was the 300mm prime lens that was mounted to the tilt/pan head. Overall I didn't 2nd guess that set up, except for this particular moment. I'm not sure that if I was using a normal tripod with a ball head, or if I had a zoom lens, that I would have reacted quickly enough anyway, but I got this shot and later wished I had got it zoomed out a bit (could crop later) or in portrait orientation to have caught the full reflection in the water. Oh well, at least I had a fast enough shutter speed to pretty much freeze the wings- learned that lesson the hard way too.

08-03-2009, 08:36 PM
Great light in this image F8...I really like it and I know what you mean about it being the complete package had you caught the reflection...still a great image tho'. :)
Where'd you take it?

08-03-2009, 10:52 PM
Great light in this image F8...I really like it and I know what you mean about it being the complete package had you caught the reflection...still a great image tho'. :)
Where'd you take it?

This was at the Frank Lake Bird Sanctuary near High River. Google it for more info. I tried to get the early morning light but when this was taken it was already past 7 AM. and getting pretty harsh. If you haven't already been there and decide to go check it out here are some tips:

1. Get ready for a long walk from where you park your car at the gates to the viewing hut out on the water. But from what I recall you mentioning in another thread about a long bike ride before the Indian village pow-wow at the stampede sounds like your more into that kind of exercise than I am, so maybe the walk will seem like a joke to you. It seems about 3 km to me, each way, and a boring walk at that. I took my bicycle in the back of my minivan to make it bearable (so lazy).

2. You might get lucky, but it's a pretty big lake and unless you luck out and catch some action close to the hut, you'd need a huge bazooka of a lens to get anything decent. Like 400mm+ just for starters. There's a lot of small birds around too.

To be honest I've got as good shots at the little man made lake right near my home. Like this one for example (reflection and all:cool:)...so I doubt I'll go back to Frank Lake more than once or twice a year- I think spring or fall would be best.

08-04-2009, 12:11 AM
Funny F8, I just discovered the beauty of Fish Creek Park this past weekend.
I also like the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary as well as Pearce Estates Park right here in Calgary!
Almost everything I've taken nature-wise, has been at either of those 3 places (and one other super special secret place I'm not ready to divulge quite yet ;)) and I've just discovered them this summer on the bike! Doubt I'd get to Frank lake as the only vehicle I own has 2 wheels, 24 speeds and a set of sprockets.
I went to Wapta falls once a couple of months ago with the ex and it was about a 3 km hike in, but boy was it worth it to see that!
Great great blue heron shot too btw. :)

08-04-2009, 08:14 AM
Wonderful captures F8!