View Full Version : Fawn in Grass

08-07-2009, 11:31 PM
I thought I'd submit this image for critique...I kinda like it, the shadows, the comp, the light...IMO, I think I basically got it right but I'd like to hear others thoughts, opinions and ideas for improvement,
:thankyou: as always!

08-08-2009, 04:15 AM
Hi casil403!
I like the composition and the exposure seems right to but there are a few technical issues: the focus is on the grasses beyond the actual subject so it's out of focus and than there are image quality problems like the low contrast due to the long zoom probably, and some purple fringing too... in the end you should had increased the contrast in Photoshop or Gimp but the big problem here is the focus because there's no way to correct it now.
Hope that helps!

08-08-2009, 07:46 AM
Thanks for the input....see I rather like the softness of it for some reason; for me it works with the image and the light in this shot. I appreciate the input tho'.

Btw, this deer wasn't far away from me at all...they are not very afraid of people. I took it at the Inglewood bird Sanctuary, which I'm thinking they should start calling the Inglewood Deer Sanctuary as I didn't see any birds, but the deer where everywhere and quite used to humans!

08-08-2009, 09:12 AM
I agree with tiberno, the whole deer is soft, which for me....compromises the whole image. I do like the lighting on the grass though. I'd like to see that deer eye tack sharp OR have the whole deer much blurrier for a different effect. Hope that helps - Marko