View Full Version : Rumblebuffin's Palette

08-18-2009, 11:06 PM
I could use some input on this one.


08-18-2009, 11:50 PM
I like the colours and the idea of the image. The brush is cool. I like the white easel and the texture, but for me there is a bit too much blank area in the middle. Maybe if the white area wasn't so dead center it would be better? Maybe if we could see a little more of the easel towards the top? More of those wonderful colours would be nice too. I hope that all makes sense and is of some use.

08-19-2009, 12:19 AM
Maybe if the white area wasn't so dead center it would be better? Maybe if we could see a little more of the easel towards the top? More of those wonderful colours would be nice too.

I know what you mean. It was an attempt to show a sidewalk scene as something other than what it was. To have shown anymore than I did would have meant including some of the typical sidewalk elements as well.

08-19-2009, 02:09 AM
Wonderful bright colours - and I lilke the structure in it.

08-19-2009, 08:49 AM
Antz nailed this one.

hindsight is 20/20 of course but had the paintbrush created a brush stroke that went from the center to its current position...it might well have worked.

08-19-2009, 01:04 PM
It would do great with text in the middle, for designers this picture would be fantastic, for photographers there is something missing.

08-22-2009, 02:17 PM
It would do great with text in the middle, for designers this picture would be fantastic, for photographers there is something missing.

I’m not posting images here, or anywhere else for that matter, very much anymore because I’ve become dissatisfied with simply recording scenes for the sake of trying to be technically perfect. Once you’ve practiced that for a while, it becomes second nature. You can compose a beer can lying on a ditch bank that fulfills those perceived requirements, but should it be left to the viewer to pull something from the photograph or should the photographer have had something in mind beforehand for the viewer to consider?

I’m in favor of the latter even if my attempts fail. To me, this image displays the separations existing in the different cultures world wide with the brush acting as an instrument that might help to bring them all together. I would’ve liked for others to have seen this, but I guess I’m not quite there yet.

09-07-2009, 12:41 PM
...To me, this image displays the separations existing in the different cultures world wide with the brush acting as an instrument that might help to bring them all together. I would’ve liked for others to have seen this, but I guess I’m not quite there yet.

I don't think it's because you are not there that we did not see this. I think you are expecting too much from the viewer. Your intent is crystal clear to you, but imo there's no way the elements clearly portray your intent.

I'm not sure you should stop posting images for that reason though. The image is well shot. People will take from it what they will and you did ask for a critique....expecting the viewer to be on the same page as the creator is a lofty goal and may never happen. That said, for me, this aspect is not important.

When I see something in a song, film, photo painting etc. that's meaningful to me, it remains meaningful regardless of the artist's intent. If someone sees something in my work that they like that I did not intend, that makes me happy. People come from different cultures and perceive 'art' in very different ways. Perception is very personal. If they don't notice something I DID but I know it's there, I still remain happy because it's MY baby. Just my :twocents: Thx - Marko

Mad Aussie
09-07-2009, 05:40 PM
I love your thinking Barefoot. Attempting to take your photography to that sort of level is a huge challenge I imagine. I have to imagine because I'm not capable of it myself.

I can't see anything in the photo that would ever have led me to see the colours as cultures or the brush as a conduit or instrument to bring them together though. I often don't agree with everything jlabel says but in this case I thought his thought was spot on.

In the end I agree very much with what Marko has said.

09-07-2009, 07:59 PM
Hey, Barefoot.

I sincerely hope you don't stop sharing as I enjoy your work too much to have it disappear. One of the reasons I keep coming back to this community is the inspiration. I see things here that inspire me to keep looking for my own voice.

Once you explained your intent, it was quite an interesting thought on the matter. Had you entitled your piece "The Cultural Palette" or some such it may have inspired us to dig deeper for the meaning. As photographer's, especially in a critique thread, we spend a lot of time nitpicking the details instead of looking at the whole scene. (forest meet trees ;) )

I think it's time to leave your technical brain at the home page. Keep your photos out of the critique thread and let us enjoy your artistry.

Remember, if you weren't posting I wouldn't have had the opportunity to enjoy some of the following:





Mad Aussie
09-07-2009, 08:30 PM
It's great work indeed and your post adds huge value to marko's thoughts as well Iggy.

09-07-2009, 08:44 PM
Funny, now that BF mentions the symbolism behind the photo and what he was attempting to go after, does anyone realize that all the colours on here are those of the Olympic Rings and the Olympic Flag?

All the 5 colours of the Olympic flag contain exactly at least one colour of all the colours of all the flags of all the counties on the earth?

Kinda cool if you ask me..... :clap:

09-07-2009, 10:18 PM
Oh, man! Did I put my foot in my mouth, or what? :footinmou I certainly didn’t mean to imply that I don’t enjoy posting here anymore. To the contrary, the neighborhood gets better and better every day.

I think what I was trying to say was that I’m going to do my best to post only the images that I think are a cut above the rest that reside on the card after a day of shooting and if I don’t find any of them to be something that the viewer can draw anything from then I won’t post at all. That follows something Marko talked about in an earlier podcast where he suggested you show only what you believe to be your best.

It’s seldom that I throw anything up in the critique forum, but when I do its fair game and I don’t mind getting ripped. In fact, my biggest critic happens to be my best friend and she shows me no mercy at all. You guys are panty weights compared to her. :laugh:

I’ve been looking at this thing in a different way lately. I want to try my hand at developing an image. When I see something that I think would work it may be a week or so before I get back to it, but in the mean time I’m shooting it over and over in my mind so that when I get there I already know exactly what I want from the shot. That’s going to mean fewer images, but hopefully better ones.

Anyway, I can’t begin to tell you all how much I appreciate the words of encouragement. Trust me, they’ve come at a time when I need them most.

09-08-2009, 12:05 AM
I think as we develop as photographers we become our own toughest critics, but it's good to have the feedback from others to get there. :)

09-08-2009, 09:12 AM
Thanks for that post BF - Glad we'll still be seeing shots from you as you have an EXCELLENT eye and i enjoy your work.:goodvibes