View Full Version : Lucky me!
09-01-2009, 10:09 PM
Look what I found in nature today!!!!
09-01-2009, 10:13 PM
No you didn't! Nice!
09-01-2009, 10:14 PM
I did!!! My first 4 leaf!!!!! :goodvibes
No Photoshopping here folks!! :highfive:
09-01-2009, 11:34 PM
how wonderful are those finds?????? :highfive::highfive::highfive: way to go! What is the flower called? It is sooooo cool!
09-02-2009, 12:30 AM
Lol, cool! :)
Mad Aussie
09-02-2009, 01:03 AM
I didn't even know that 4 leaf clovers were for real! I thought they were like the perfect woman and didn't exist! :)
09-02-2009, 02:56 AM
You are a lucky guy, Casil403 :clap:.
@MA: I hope for you, that your wife isn't reading your last comment! :p
09-02-2009, 07:22 AM
I didn't even know that 4 leaf clovers were for real! I thought they were like the perfect woman and didn't exist! :)
LOL! Heck MA, like 4 leaf clovers, I am the perfect woman...didn't you know?
Funny, I feel kinda the same way about guys these days...! :laugh: :evil2:
09-02-2009, 10:59 AM
cool catch lucky!
Ha ha..this is a funny post to read :) Nice catch!
Mad Aussie
09-02-2009, 05:01 PM
LOL! Heck MA, like 4 leaf clovers, I am the perfect woman...didn't you know?
WOW Really???? You have no vocal chords, gag reflex, combative tendencies and you live only to please me no matter how many other women like you I have in my harem???
I'm more willing to believe in the 4 leaf clover I think! :rolleyes:
09-02-2009, 06:32 PM
WOW Really???? You have no vocal chords, gag reflex, combative tendencies and you live only to please me no matter how many other women like you I have in my harem???
I'm more willing to believe in the 4 leaf clover I think! :rolleyes:
Iggy gets out the 10 foot pole. Nope... not touching that one, even with a 10 foot pole.
Iggy gets out the 10 foot pole. Nope... not touching that one, even with a 10 foot pole.
:laugh: Thought the same thing.
Mad Aussie
09-02-2009, 06:58 PM
Cowards the pair of you!! :p
AntZ ... Pleeeeeeeeeeese don't tell Leanne I said that though k?????? :eek:
Cowards the pair of you!! :p
AntZ ... Pleeeeeeeeeeese don't tell Leanne I said that though k?????? :eek:
I was going to ask if this was your subtle way of hinting some things at Leanne:)
By the way Casil, I like the little heart image.
09-02-2009, 08:33 PM
WOW Really???? You have no vocal chords, gag reflex, combative tendencies and you live only to please me no matter how many other women like you I have in my harem???
I'm more willing to believe in the 4 leaf clover I think! :rolleyes:
Change the women to men in that statement, throw in a "put the toilet seat down occasionally and try cleaning once in a while " and I kinda feel the same way about men :clown: ....Only thing is is 4 leaf clovers along with "pot of golds at the end of all rainbows" are more likely....! :laugh:
Iggy, would you like your 10 foot pole back? :goodvibes
Love how this thread is turning out...who needs anger management class???? :highfive: Kidding! :clap:
Mad Aussie
09-02-2009, 09:06 PM
I do ok. I started work at 4am yesterday ... came home for a few hours in the middle of the day ... did the washing and hung it out ... went up and got two gas cylinders for the stove seeing as Leanne had used both up and not told me until dinner stopped cooking the night before ... cleaned the kitchen up and folded the washing from the night before ... had an hours sleep after putting a few photos up ... got the washing back in ... went back to work and arrived back home at 11pm exactly.
This morning so far, on my day off, I've only driven to the PO Box for my wife ... but I did put the seat down ... always do ... you can ask her if you want.
09-02-2009, 09:34 PM
Can I clone you or do you have a single (identical in every way) twin brother?
LOL! :highfive:
Mad Aussie
09-02-2009, 09:37 PM
Can I clone you or do you have a single (identical in every way) twin brother?
LOL! :highfive:
No twin brother but lets not overlook the harem idea so quickly huh ;)
09-02-2009, 09:39 PM
No twin brother but lets not overlook the harem idea so quickly huh ;)
Only if I get to live in my own separate dwelling away from the other waifs. I'm a dominant female! :evil2:
Mad Aussie
09-02-2009, 09:44 PM
Only if I get to live in my own separate dwelling away from the other waifs. I'm a dominant female! :evil2:
Well that's not going to work!! You would all (no point stopping at two is there guys???) be bunked in a separate domicile ... from me! You'd be on call on of course. And 'working' with others would be part of the requirements!!
09-02-2009, 09:46 PM
went up and got two gas cylinders for the stove seeing as Leanne had used both up and not told me until dinner stopped cooking the night before ...
FFunny that reminds me of a story i overheard one of my Dad's friends telling my Dad. His wife came to him asking if he could look at her car sometime this week because "the little teapot light" on the dashboard came on a couple of weeks ago and the engine was making funny noises!
Turned out the "little teapot light" was the oil light!
09-02-2009, 09:48 PM
Well that's not going to work!! You would all (no point stopping at two is there guys???) be bunked in a separate domicile ... from me! You'd be on call on of course. And 'working' with others would be part of the requirements!!
Oh, I'd want my own separate domicle from them and you! Ahhh well! I guess the whole me being a Professional Chef thing would make me have some kind of advantage huh?
Mad Aussie
09-02-2009, 09:49 PM
Thankfully Leanne is very good with the car usually. I'm often driving it around because she's 'heard' a noise that doesn't exist. At least she's alert!
I remember a bumber sticker ... "Be Alert ... this country needs more Lerts!"
Mad Aussie
09-02-2009, 09:51 PM
Oh, I'd want my own separate domicle from them and you! Ahhh well! I guess the whole me being a Professional Chef thing would make me have some kind of advantage huh?
Not really. Leanne is a great cook. And I'm more satisfied after sex than eating thanks.
09-02-2009, 10:03 PM
I remember a bumber sticker ... "Be Alert ... this country needs more Lerts!"
My 2 fave stickers lately are":
"You can't fix STUPID"
"I don't know what makes you so dumb but it works"
Did I originally post a picture of something once in here? lol!
Talk about :offtopic: LOL!
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