View Full Version : Greetings...

11-11-2009, 05:54 AM
Hi folks,

I'm here cause I've found the podcasts. And in them you keep pushing to join the forums, cause they're nice and friendly. I like nice and friendly. Besides, the whole idea of using an audio based medium for information about a visual based medium is downright brilliant. LOL! But I enjoyed the podcasts a lot so here I am. Trying to be friendly as well...


11-11-2009, 07:01 AM
Hi Fortytwo, welcome to the forum.

11-11-2009, 07:08 AM
Welcome to the forums, 42. I hope you enjoy your visit to the forums as much or more than you enjoyed the podcasts. It's a very nice place since we don't have any Vogons here ;)

11-11-2009, 11:12 AM
Hey 42,

Thanks for joining the forum!!!:highfive:

I've had a few people that thought an audio recording of a visual medium is plain stupid.....

Personally, in SOME podcasts video would be very effective it's true. And actually.....within the next few months I plan to try video..but for all the past shows I did try to create the podcasts so that they are easy listens that don't need many visuals as support.

additionally - many people listen to the podcasts in the car and you can't watch video while you are driving....

anyway....thanks for joining 42!!

Hi folks,

I'm here cause I've found the podcasts. And in them you keep pushing to join the forums, cause they're nice and friendly. I like nice and friendly. Besides, the whole idea of using an audio based medium for information about a visual based medium is downright brilliant. LOL! But I enjoyed the podcasts a lot so here I am. Trying to be friendly as well...


11-12-2009, 03:49 AM
I'd never call it stupid. I was rather sceptical I must say. Until I started listening to them. Like I said, I really enjoy them. Video could be nice, but I'd still like an audio podcast. There are plenty of times I can listen to a podcast, but not view video. And so far everything has been crystal clear to me (which really surprised me), so you're doing a really nice job. Keep up the good work!

Although I'm pretty sure not everybody would be able to pull off a photography podcast. ;) Like... ehm... me.