View Full Version : Calgary at -27C...Windchill = -36C

12-12-2009, 08:50 PM
So I looked out the window this morning and saw huge amounts of steam clouds from the tops of the buildings so put on the layers to go out for some shots starting at the top of Center St. Hill.
All 4 cheeks are still stinging 5 hours later....! ;) Think there might be some very mild frostbite involved! :headslap:
Anyways...hope it was worth it!

The water temperature is warmer than the air temperature so you get lots of steam coming off the river this time of the year....ices up the bridges pretty good making for dangerous driving! :eek:


You can see the ice forming on the Bow as well.


And here is where I started from...the stream rising off the tops of the buildings makes for interesting shots!
A few facts for our friends who live in warmer climates.... there's ice crystals in the air...any moisture in the air freezes so there's all these minute ice crystals floating around...at this temp. Step outside and breath through your nose and our nose hairs freeze...strangest sensation if you've never felt it before! Breathe thru your mouth and you cough because it's hard to get a breath until your lungs get used to the air. I've even had my eyelashes freeze together when I blink!


12-12-2009, 08:53 PM
well done Casil!


maybe you can get someone to rub your cheeks for you :evil2:

12-12-2009, 08:57 PM

maybe you can get someone to rub your cheeks for you :evil2:

Dare to dream B....dare to dream....sigh....in a perfect world he would look like your camera caddy too! :highfive:

12-13-2009, 11:36 AM
It even looks cold!!!! Nice set!

12-13-2009, 01:22 PM
Beautiful shots there. You're stronger than me to head out in -26C weather... I'd rather be bundled up at home :D

12-14-2009, 04:02 AM
Really nice shots. You've got some beautiful scenery over there. Nicely captured... :)