View Full Version : Ninety nine cent diversion

12-16-2009, 02:36 PM
Not quite done photographing Maxi or worse, posting pics :D When she starts getting into things I don't want destroyed, I toss her this little white mouse I got for ninety nine cents at the pet store. She'll play with it for hours then fall fast asleep :)

http://www.redzonefilms.com/pics2/bad mouse.jpg

http://www.redzonefilms.com/pics2/counting mice.jpg

12-16-2009, 02:58 PM
You need a laser pointer, from the comfort of you chair you can send you cat to all the corners of the room chasing the little dot :evil2:

12-16-2009, 02:58 PM
You need a laser pointer, from the comfort of you chair you can send you cat to all the corners of the room chasing the little dot :evil2:

just don't point it at the tree :headslap:

12-16-2009, 03:11 PM
You need a laser pointer, from the comfort of you chair you can send you cat to all the corners of the room chasing the little dot :evil2:

I've already had the poor things tongue hanging out from too much laser pointer :D

12-16-2009, 03:54 PM
I just read through all 'the demon' post and one goofy song comes to mind....
'Kitty" - by The Presidents of the United States of America

Kitty by The Presidents Of The United States of America Music Video on Yahoo! Music (http://new.music.yahoo.com/videos/--2146055)

the uncensored version is better but you get the drift.... :)

12-16-2009, 04:51 PM
Very nice and cute your little cat!