View Full Version : Open to suggestion
12-27-2009, 12:39 AM
Looking for constructive criticism.
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 02:01 AM
I don't think I'm the best to comment on B&W so I'll just stick mostly to the composition on this one. On that it's ok but very standard with the angle of the tracks being almost dead center. I do like the very low angle though.
I find the photo lacking any large interest for me personally. Tracks are just not enough I guess. For someone else, this may not be the case.
I'm not sure the photo really justifies making it black and white as it lacks the strong black and white subjects/areas that seem to make a B&W standout.
The 2nd photo of the sunset is nicely timed to get the bird in. With so little in features throughout, the bird adds some needed interest. It's shame the sunset wasn't a bit more spectacular. Looking at the starkness of the bird and the far shore I wonder if this one might have worked as a B&W. Just a thought from someone who isn't known for B&W though.
Welcome to ... a nice start to your time here ... hope we'll see more :)
12-27-2009, 02:01 AM
Welcome cadcamslave!
The lines are a prominent feature in shot 1 and I like them, but overall i find the shot is missing something. I'd like the lines to lead somewhere, interesting, or colourful but they just lead to the distance with nothing to hold my eye. The sky in the shot is a bit 'weak' and needs more meat imo. This could have been accomplished with a polarizer during shooting or more burning in now in post.
I like shot 2 as it's pretty peaceful. I wish the bird was sharper though.
Hope that helps - Marko
12-27-2009, 09:18 AM
just to add my 2:twocents: I'm wondering if the first shot in colour might add more textures. I see the trees to the sides, the wood and metal of the rails and I think that there might be some really cool textures there.
12-27-2009, 12:46 PM
I don't think I'm the best to comment on B&W so I'll just stick mostly to the composition on this one. On that it's ok but very standard with the angle of the tracks being almost dead center. I do like the very low angle though.
I find the photo lacking any large interest for me personally. Tracks are just not enough I guess. For someone else, this may not be the case.
I'm not sure the photo really justifies making it black and white as it lacks the strong black and white subjects/areas that seem to make a B&W standout.
The 2nd photo of the sunset is nicely timed to get the bird in. With so little in features throughout, the bird adds some needed interest. It's shame the sunset wasn't a bit more spectacular. Looking at the starkness of the bird and the far shore I wonder if this one might have worked as a B&W. Just a thought from someone who isn't known for B&W though.
Welcome to ... a nice start to your time here ... hope we'll see more :)
Thanks for your input, I value it.
For me the picture of the rails is kind of an emotional metaphor for life. Both my parents and my oldest son have been battling with cancer (going on 3 years now) so to me the black and white image represents that some times what keeps you going is to see what is on the other side of that rise. It is bleak and featureless but has a direction and the direction is to see whats over the hill. I am just starting to explore in black and white, so I try applying it to different images just to see the change in mood and texture.
Again thanks for your warm welcome and input.
12-27-2009, 12:52 PM
Welcome cadcamslave!
The lines are a prominent feature in shot 1 and I like them, but overall i find the shot is missing something. I'd like the lines to lead somewhere, interesting, or colourful but they just lead to the distance with nothing to hold my eye. The sky in the shot is a bit 'weak' and needs more meat imo. This could have been accomplished with a polarizer during shooting or more burning in now in post.
I like shot 2 as it's pretty peaceful. I wish the bird was sharper though.
Hope that helps - Marko
The original image is a 9.8meg Nikon RAW file and the bird is sharper in it.
Thanks for your input, I appreciate any and all I can get.
What do you think of this one?
12-27-2009, 12:58 PM
just to add my 2:twocents: I'm wondering if the first shot in colour might add more textures. I see the trees to the sides, the wood and metal of the rails and I think that there might be some really cool textures there.
Here it is.
Thanks for your input.
12-27-2009, 01:05 PM
The original image is a 9.8meg Nikon RAW file and the bird is sharper in it.
Thanks for your input, I appreciate any and all I can get.
What do you think of this one?
LOve it! How's that for a start :)
VERY interesting composition here and I LOVE how the lines lead in the same direction as the man.
I also find much symbolism in this photo either intentionally put there by you or projected by me, but either way for me this shot works big time.
The treatment is interesting here as well.
My 2 small comments would be the dock or object on the mid right edge - I'd clone that out. The sky looks like it has some noise or artifacting to my eye.
Hope that helps - Marko
12-27-2009, 03:38 PM
LOve it! How's that for a start :)
VERY interesting composition here and I LOVE how the lines lead in the same direction as the man.
I also find much symbolism in this photo either intentionally put there by you or projected by me, but either way for me this shot works big time.
The treatment is interesting here as well.
My 2 small comments would be the dock or object on the mid right edge - I'd clone that out. The sky looks like it has some noise or artifacting to my eye.
Hope that helps - Marko
Try these, if you can spare the time. I fixed the sunset and had another photo of the sunrise that I found. The watercolor picture is my wife in our kitchen.
12-27-2009, 04:05 PM
The watercolour is nice and has some dramatic lighting but doen't look much like a photo anymore. I'd call it mixed media.
Nice fix on the shot that like. That one too is obviously processed but it feels less processed than the watercolour.
Hope that helps - Marko
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 04:08 PM
It's gets harder to give detailed critique with so many photos. Much better to only put a couple in each thread we find.
One thing I forgot to mention was the horizons in the water shots. It's usually better if you straighten the water horizon as it's always dead level in nature unless it's a fast flowing river or something.
Looking at the one of the man in the water ... I think that might make a nice B&W due to the very black sillhouette and the very white areas. I like the composition for the same reasons marko does but I find the colours to be washed out hence wondering if B&W might help.
The one of the woman at the table ... looks like a good composition and lighting. I'm guessing the processing is because it's not sharp or something? The processing I don't find appealing as it has ceased to be a photo now and is more a graphical image.
I like the colour version of the rails better. I think the afternoon glow in the trees helps to add some interest here.
I hate cancer ... for very similar reasons to yours.
12-27-2009, 04:20 PM
I really like the sloped horizon in the shot with the man in the water :twocents:...but this is a rare exception.
Normally as MA correctly points out horizon lines should be straight.
12-27-2009, 05:20 PM
I have no idea why I'm weighing in here when you are getting such excellent feedback from MA and Marko but I have to say that I like the colour of the railway much better then the black and white. I get what you are saying in regards to the symbolism. I have had many family members battle cancer, some successfully some not. but for me the colour adds the idea that even in the middle of a journey that you don't know how it will end, there is still colour and beauty all around us.
just my :twocents: ! :)
12-27-2009, 07:07 PM
The shot of the older gentleman gathering oysters was shot with my old N90, but with a tripod that had a bubble level on it, the slope is actually the curvature of the shoreline, but I appreciate the input greatly.
The shot of my wife in the kitchen was the same thing. Unfortunately, as you all quickly noticed, I had the film developed and burned onto a CD and they did a really crappy job, so I did as much editing as I could to make up for the rotten scans.
Then I bought a D100 and had to learn basic camera all over again. I though going digital would make it easier to take good pictures, but I have learned the two are very different.
My greatest lessons here are in composition. Many of these shots were taken as I was driving to or from work, saw something that caught my eye and quickly set up to capture what I saw, with an absolute rookies sense of composition.
The shots on the water, the sunset and sundown pictures were taken along Highway 101 and 106 on the shores of Hood Canal in Washington;
Google Maps (,-123.089447&spn=0.241307,0.617294&t=h&z=11)
I thank you all so very much for your input, it is invaluable to me.
And all are correct, cancer is one of those things that can easily get the best of you, and in my battles with helping my family through it I have found the best thing you can do is not let it get on top of you; if you do it wins.
What type of schooling would you suggest I enter into to hone and better my pictures?
Thanks again!
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 07:41 PM
The shot of the older gentleman gathering oysters was shot with my old N90, but with a tripod that had a bubble level on it, the slope is actually the curvature of the shoreline, but I appreciate the input greatly.
Sorry but that's definitely not shore curvature. Your bubble is broken :)
If that shoreline was correct as it is now ... then every building on that far shore has been built at about a 20 deg negative angle! Over that distance the water line should definitely be straight across (not allowing for some lens curve if it's a very wide angle) and those buildings would also be level.
What type of schooling would you suggest I enter into to hone and better my pictures?
Just hang around here for 6 months and listen and try the advice you get. So many people become MUCH better photographers by letting go of their current knowledge and expanding their skills by doing so.
12-27-2009, 08:20 PM
Sorry but that's definitely not shore curvature. Your bubble is broken :)
If that shoreline was correct as it is now ... then every building on that far shore has been built at about a 20 deg negative angle! Over that distance the water line should definitely be straight across (not allowing for some lens curve if it's a very wide angle) and those buildings would also be level.
Just hang around here for 6 months and listen and try the advice you get. So many people become MUCH better photographers by letting go of their current knowledge and expanding their skills by doing so.
It definitely is off, you are correct. The devil is in the details.
FWIW, that tripod developed a drooping problem in the head due to a crack in the lock. I finally had it with it, extended it all the way, grabbed it by the collected legs and wrapped it around an alder tree trunk, just to see how tough it really wasn't.
I am a blank canvass, I have already learned much, thank you all.
12-27-2009, 08:35 PM
Hi cadcamslave. I was wondering if you mind me making my style of edit on your original track posting and uploading it so you can see different artists styles and takes on this capture. If yes, it would be neat to see just how others would edit your original posting - jimmy :)
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 08:46 PM
It definitely is off, you are correct. The devil is in the details.
FWIW, that tripod developed a drooping problem in the head due to a crack in the lock. I finally had it with it, extended it all the way, grabbed it by the collected legs and wrapped it around an alder tree trunk, just to see how tough it really wasn't.
I am a blank canvass, I have already learned much, thank you all.
Ah ... so the bubble was doing it's best but the head was drunk :)
I'm like you ... used to shoot film many moons ago ... figured Digital would be way easier ... but it's not. It's far more complex in many ways ... especially as the post processing is so more involved as well. Also digital photography seems to have created so many different points of view.
In the year I've been coming here I know I've improved greatly thanks to the critiques and opinions I've received here. I had to unlearn some ideas and conceptions I had too. The people here represent a wide array of photographers from the newbie through to practicing pro's and everything in between. Some are specialists in certain areas and others jacks of all trades so to speak. So many great perspectives to take in here and try out and see what appeals to you and your photography.
And in the end, unlike many other sites I've been to, everyone here gives their opinion/advice to help the recipient, no one seems to have a selfish motive. That's gold.
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 08:48 PM
Wow that's an amazing lake system in your google link!!
You are near Portland/Seattle? The closest thing to a Canadian in the USA :)
12-27-2009, 08:58 PM
Hi cadcamslave. I was wondering if you mind me making my style of edit on your original track posting and uploading it so you can see different artists styles and takes on this capture. If yes, it would be neat to see just how others would edit your original posting - jimmy :)
I would be most grateful. Please feel free.
12-27-2009, 08:59 PM
Wow that's an amazing lake system in your google link!!
You are near Portland/Seattle? The closest thing to a Canadian in the USA :)
It is the only Glacial Fjord in the Continental US.
Zoom out on it a bit. I have dove everything from St. Lucia to the Sunshine Coast and Texada Island BC, and I like the diving here best.
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 09:03 PM
It is the only Glacial Fjord in the Continental US.
Zoom out on it a bit. I have dove everything from St. Lucia to the Sunshine Coast and Texada Island BC, and I like the diving here best.
Very cool!
Looks like awesome country to practice and perfect your photography in!!
12-27-2009, 09:04 PM
Hey cadcamslave. There are so many ways one could edit your original posting. Here is my attempt. I hope others join in - jimmy Oh, thanks for your permission. :)
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 09:08 PM
Jimmy ... do you ever take a REAL photo? :)
This looks good though!
12-27-2009, 09:14 PM
NO Mad ! - jimmy Haha ........ :headslap:
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 09:23 PM
:) This now looks like a still from any old movie.
12-27-2009, 09:30 PM
Very cool!
Looks like awesome country to practice and perfect your photography in!!
The underwater world is also amazing up here.
The attached picture is just for fun, it is a close up of a wolf eel.
12-27-2009, 09:30 PM
Hey cadcamslave. There are so many ways one could edit your original posting. Here is my attempt. I hope others join in - jimmy Oh, thanks for your permission. :)
I wouldnt know where to begin.
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 09:33 PM
The eel has a sneer on his face :)
In some ways not knowing too much about processing is a good thing for a beginner to digital photography ... it makes you strive harder and take more time with your shots. But in the end, good processing skills go a loooong way.
12-27-2009, 09:42 PM
Mad is right cadcamslave. I only wish I could take a proper photo with proper exposure. I really couldn't photograph my way out of a wet paper bag! So you see I just have to settle for what I call artography! Sad but true. Gear doesn't make a good photographer - jimmy
12-27-2009, 09:44 PM
The eel has a sneer on his face :)
In some ways not knowing too much about processing is a good thing for a beginner to digital photography ... it makes you strive harder and take more time with your shots. But in the end, good processing skills go a loooong way.
This is my eldest son, the one fighting cancer for the 2nd time.
No processing, just an old Nikonos and lots of particulate in the water.
The fill flash worked perfectly for once...
12-27-2009, 09:48 PM
Such a neat pic cadcamslave. I wish your son the best - jimmy
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 09:49 PM
Mad is right cadcamslave. I only wish I could take a proper photo with proper exposure. I really couldn't photograph my way out of a wet paper bag! So you see I just have to settle for what I call artography! Sad but true. Gear doesn't make a good photographer - jimmy
Thanks for backing me up Jimmy ... I think ;)
I can say the same for my processing ... without it I'm way less effective as a photographer I think.
12-27-2009, 09:56 PM
You are welcome Mad ... I think ;) - jimmy
Mad Aussie
12-27-2009, 09:56 PM
I have a brother and a father both fighting cancer for their times. We feel for you Cam. Between they have had prostate, non hodgekins lymphoma, Hodgekins lymphoma and I forget what type of lymphoma Dad's was. I've had a Melanoma in my neck myself.
Go Lance Armstrong! He's got cancer foundation stuff going in 65 countries now and is actively pushing governments to fund cancer research. Awesome effort.
12-28-2009, 10:46 AM
JJJ - I really like your version of cadcam's rails - the birds become the focal point the tracks lead to and it makes a huge difference.
I like that 'sneerfish' cadcam! and the underwater shot of your son.
I'm so sorry to hear of your and MA's close family members having cancer. I do believe in the power of positive thinking so I'll be thinking positive thoughts for both of your families :goodvibes :goodvibes
12-28-2009, 12:41 PM
JJJ - I really like your version of cadcam's rails - the birds become the focal point the tracks lead to and it makes a huge difference.
I like that 'sneerfish' cadcam! and the underwater shot of your son.
I'm so sorry to hear of your and MA's close family members having cancer. I do believe in the power of positive thinking so I'll be thinking positive thoughts for both of your families :goodvibes :goodvibes
The sneerfish is a big ole wolf eel, and to do that kind of picture underwater you have reaally screwed up depth perception so the close-up lens has a bar protruding from the front of it to allow you to set the distance, and the flas units are on long arms, so it looks very formidable I am sure. He didnt like me getting that bar close ot him and when I lit off the flashes he came out of his hole, circled me twive and went back in. He was about 6 to 7 feet long and that face you are looking at is about the size of a canned ham.
Wolf Eel Photo Gallery (
Positive vibes are where it is at. If you let cancer get on top of you, all is lost. I am my parents only son, and my son also looks to me for strength, so if they see a crack in the armor, it all comes apart like a cheap suit. I am a former Marine and like to think I am pretty tough, so I do my crying in the shower where no one can see.
You folks can just call me Scott. Until I figured out what kind of room I was walking into, I wanted to remain as anonymous as possible, but I feel very comfortable here. Thank you for that.
12-28-2009, 01:29 PM
I have a brother and a father both fighting cancer for their times. We feel for you Cam. Between they have had prostate, non hodgekins lymphoma, Hodgekins lymphoma and I forget what type of lymphoma Dad's was. I've had a Melanoma in my neck myself.
Go Lance Armstrong! He's got cancer foundation stuff going in 65 countries now and is actively pushing governments to fund cancer research. Awesome effort.
My son will be going to U of Iowa to get his chest cracked. He has three tumors trying to involve his aorta, and three on each kidney, but they caught them early. His chances are very good. His started out as testicular when he was 16. My "dad" (long story) had squamous cell carcinoma and soon as they fixed him he started smoking again. Mom had bone cancer and they had to remove her lower left mandible. Mom quit smoking.
U of I is where Lance fought his battle.
12-28-2009, 01:48 PM
Best wishes to you and your family, Cadcam.
Ha! Ha! I would not want that ugly fish anywhere near me. Snakey things give me the heebie jeebies.
12-28-2009, 02:27 PM
Best wishes to you and your family, Cadcam.
Ha! Ha! I would not want that ugly fish anywhere near me. Snakey things give me the heebie jeebies.
Thanks for the wishes.
Actually they are very gentle and kind, they enjoy interacting with divers as long as you aren't too aggressive. Some like to have their belly's scratched and petted, we had a few at a site we frequent that would come out of their hole and circle us and get some frozen herring we would bring down with us.
This picture, also for fun is one I caught popping out to grab a dungeness crab that was running from us.
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