View Full Version : Color or black and white

12-28-2009, 01:24 PM
Which do you prefer, and any comments on composition as well.

12-28-2009, 02:41 PM
This looks like a gold mine of photographic opportunity! I love shooting abandoned/run-down buildings. I really like this one, but.. (There's always a damn 'but' isn't there?) for a couple of things:

(1) I think the composition would be improved by a tighter crop on just the dormer, omitting the roof, which doesn't really (IMO) add to the mood, and if possible, from a position further camera left.

(2) Realizing this is a tough exposure challenge, the dark areas under the eaves are a bit distracting and since I'm guessing bringing in extra lighting might not be possible here, I'd say this is tailor-made for HDR.

(3) It looks like you've slightly missed focus. The sharp area seems to be the wall/roofline to the left and not the dormer area which (I assume) is the main subject.

(4) Finally, the mono conversion (Which I think is the right treatment for this image) is a bit mid-tone rich. I think in this case you might want to try exagerating the contrast a little and seeing what sort of result you get.

Hope that helps!

12-28-2009, 05:29 PM
I agree with TI

12-28-2009, 05:33 PM
I agree with TI

I am headed back out this afternoon, will try them all.
