Best Friends Know the Truth

I took this pho­to­graph the same day I did the pod­cast on 1 light por­traits.
Aside from pho­tog­ra­phy, I am truly pas­sion­ate about pets, so when I get to com­bine the two…well, Yahoo!
This was shot in West­mount Park on a cold over­cast Mon­treal after­noon. Boog the dog started shiv­er­ing pretty quickly so we did not stay out long. I used a faster than nor­mal shut­ter speed because of the shiv­er­ing.
Exif data ISO 400, F-4.5, 1/800 sec.


  1. Sylvia says:

    What a fab­u­lous shot! You’ve really cap­tured the emo­tion that clearly exists between you and your cute dog. Con­grats! I love this shot. Maybe one day I’ll be able to dupli­cate your suc­cess with my own dog, Tyler — a Bel­gian Shep­herd with way too much energy.

  2. buzzt says:

    Cute dog and great shot ;)

  3. BeppeRdam says:

    That’s an excel­lent por­trait, per­fect the bal­ance between the man and puppy with great light.
    In par­tic­u­lar I love the man expres­sion, like a father hug­ging his child.

  4. Yves says:

    I agree with Rick W, this is a great por­trait. Some­how there is a great bal­ance in this shot, and the fun thing is the hair of the guy on the left is so sim­i­lar to the dogs snout. :)

  5. Rick W says:

    Dude this is a great image. I love how the dog has such an inten­sity about him/her. This is a sweet shot.

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