Photography forum image of the month – December 2010

Every month on our pho­tog­ra­phy forum mem­bers nom­i­nate images that they like. Then at the end of the month I choose an excel­lent image and talk about why it rocks. The photo I choose is not nec­es­sar­ily the best one of the month. I’ve come to real­ize it’s not really log­i­cal to pit images from totally dif­fer­ent gen­res against each other. That’s why there are cat­e­gories in photo con­tests. I just choose a photo that has extremely strong ele­ments that we can learn from.

Golden Glitter by Donna

Golden Glit­ter by Donna

This month’s choice is Golden Glit­ter by Donna

I chose this image for sev­eral reasons:

Com­po­si­tion — I just love the com­po­si­tion here, it’s so pleas­ing to the eye. The rule of thirds is work­ing well for me here with approx­i­mately 1/3 fore­ground, 1/3 midground and 1/3 back­ground when you look hor­i­zon­tally. When you look ver­ti­cally it’s a clas­sic 1/3rd left and 2/3rds to the right. Some peo­ple scoff at the rule of thirds.…scoff away…if the horse were cen­tered here, the image would not be as visu­ally inter­est­ing. The horse was likely delib­er­ately cap­tured in an excel­lent spot which is the bright­est spot in the image. Our eye goes right to the horse. The water line in the midground is another inter­est­ing element.

Colour palette/tonal qual­ity — These are WOW colours for me even though they are quite con­trasty in parts of the image. The colour palette is golden warm, well bal­anced, and the tones are harmonious.

Lighting/exposure — This is tricky light­ing which means tricky expo­sure and it is very well han­dled. The backlighting/sidelighting on the horse has just enough detail on its side to make it inter­est­ing and pro­vide a bit of reflec­tion in the water. The head is par­tially sil­hou­et­ted which adds drama and grabs our eye as pre­vi­ously mentioned.

For all these rea­sons, this is my choice for image of the month. Since we all have opin­ions, some mem­bers may dis­agree with my choice. That’s cool but THIS thread is not the place for debate over my pick, NOR is it the place to fur­ther cri­tique the image. The pur­pose here is to sug­gest strong ele­ments in the photo that we may learn from.

Con­grats again Donna for cap­tur­ing this gor­geous scene!

Vintage photo of the day Jan. 3, 2011

Today’s vin­tage photo of the day is called The Pho­to­jour­nal­ist by Andreas Feininger and was taken in 1951. It has become an iconic por­trait and the sub­ject is pho­to­jour­nal­ist David Stock who won a pho­to­jour­nal­ism com­pe­ti­tion. Feininger shot the image‚for Life Mag­a­zine where he worked for decades.

Feininger is per­haps best known for his‚architectural‚ and street shots of New York City in the for­ties and fifties. This por­trait does not rep­re­sent Feininger’s aver­age sub­ject mat­ter and yet it is amongst his most famous pho­tographs for many good reasons.

The Photojournalist by Andreas Feininger - 1951

The Pho­to­jour­nal­ist by Andreas Feininger — 1951

What draws us to this pho­to­graph is obvi­ously the unique way it’s pre­sented. The Leica cam­era is turned to one side so that the lens and viewfinder act as the subject’s eyes. Both lenses have spec­u­lar high­lights which mimic the catch­lights seen in por­traits. In addi­tion, the image is beau­ti­fully printed with rich blacks and whites with detail. The eye is skill­fully guided to the focal points (lens and viewfinder) in this image, likely through selec­tive dodg­ing and burn­ing (selec­tive dark­en­ing and light­en­ing of spe­cific parts of the image). It’s the com­bi­na­tion of tech­ni­cal skill and well thought out com­po­si­tion that make this image superb.

Photo of the day – Dec. 30, 2010

A friend of mine is mov­ing out of his place with a great view of Down­town Mon­treal in 2 days so I was lucky enough to get one last crack to shoot a night scene.  As it hap­pens there’s also some­thing called Spheres Polaires in town and the spheres add to the image.

Montreal Night Scene - Marko Kulik

Mon­treal Night Scene — Marko Kulik

Vintage photo of the day — Dec. 27, 2010

Today’s vin­tage pho­to­graph of the day by mas­ter pho­tog­ra­pher Ernst Haas, is titled Binoc­u­lars and it was taken in Bat­tery Park, NY in 1952. Haas is well known for adopt­ing colour early on in his career before many of his con­tem­po­raries. Famous Haas colour pho­tographs include slow motion studies.

A Haas quote that I really dig is, “The best pic­tures dif­fer­en­ti­ate them­selves by nuances‚¦a tiny rela­tion­ship ‚ either a har­mony or a dishar­mony — that cre­ates a picture.”

Binoculars by Ernst Haas - 1952

Binoc­u­lars by Ernst Haas — 1952

This pho­to­graph works on‚multiple‚levels which is likely why it works so well.
The‚binoculars‚themselves look like human faces so we are‚immediately‚attracted to that aspect. How­ever, other ele­ments also make this image inter­est­ing. These ele­ments include the fence and the build­ings in the back­ground. For me, the fence, binoc­u­lars and back­ground build­ings rep­re­sent the fact that ‘mak­ing it’ in New York is dif­fi­cult. The fence sep­a­rates you from the build­ings but you can see them through the binoc­u­lars. Get­ting there, is a battle…but if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.

Photo of the day — Dec. 22, 2010

Because Mon­treal now has snow every­where, here’s another snowy shot; this time it’s a cat.

Yes­ter­day I was dog walk­ing Zeusy, and a cat spot­ted this 7 pound ter­ror. Zeus started bark­ing insanely but the cat barely moved. (That’s one of the things I love about cats btw. Unlike dogs that waste their energy willy-nilly, cats will only ‘waste’ energy if they have to). All the cat did was get up from where is was rest­ing, locked focus on the dog, and raised it’s hack­les (back fur) which made its body big­ger. Basi­cally the cat was say­ing, “you want a piece of ‚this, come and get it, but I ain’t moving!”

And that’s what drew me to the shot. It’s the cat’s ges­ture that helps sug­gest a story.

Cat with Raised Hackles

Cat with Raised Hackles

I should also men­tion that after we took the shot and moved on the cat sat right back down to rest in the snow.

Vintage photo of the day ‚œ Dec. 18, 2010

The vin­tage pho­to­graph of the day is titled Shell by mas­ter Edward Weston and it was shot 83 years ago in 1927. Weston was well known for cap­tur­ing every­day objects in unique ways and many of his every­day inan­i­mate objects take on human body posi­tions and ges­tures. Pep­per No. 30 is another extremely famous Weston photo that also looks human.

One of the things that makes this pho­to­graph fab­u­lous is the ‘ges­ture’ of the shell. It looks like it’s engaged in rest­ing and nor­mally shells aren’t ‘engaged’ in any­thing because they are dead. This shell how­ever does not look dead, it looks sexy. The sharp­ness, com­po­si­tion and light­ing are also superb here. Just as an FYI, Weston shot many dif­fer­ent shells and they all tell‚different‚stories.

Shell by Edward Weston - 1927

Shell by Edward Weston — 1927

Vintage photo of the day – Dec. 18, 2010

The vin­tage pho­to­graph of the day is titled Shell by mas­ter Edward Weston and it was shot 83 years ago in 1927. Weston was well known for cap­tur­ing every­day objects in unique ways and many of his every­day inan­i­mate objects take on human body posi­tions and ges­tures. Pep­per No. 30 is another extremely famous Weston photo that also looks human.

One of the things that makes this pho­to­graph fab­u­lous is the ‘ges­ture’ of the shell. It looks like it’s engaged in rest­ing and nor­mally shells aren’t ‘engaged’ in any­thing because they are dead. This shell how­ever does not look dead, it looks sexy. The sharp­ness, com­po­si­tion and light­ing are also superb here. Just as an FYI, Weston shot many dif­fer­ent shells and they all tell dif­fer­ent stories.

Shell by Edward Weston - 1927

Shell by Edward Weston — 1927

Vintage photo of the day — Dec. 14, 2010

Today’s image of the day is called Mondrian’s Glasses and Pipe by the late mas­ter Hun­gar­ian pho­tog­ra­pher Andre Kertesz, and it was shot 84 years ago. If you can find this one at a garage sale, keep it, it’s worth a few bucks.

This pho­to­graph is bril­liantly com­posed and that’s why it stands the test of time. Kertesz plays with shapes in a mas­ter­ful way here and uses lead­ing lines to get to those shapes. Tri­an­gles occupy not only the pos­i­tive space, but the neg­a­tive space as well. This cre­ates an incred­i­bly dynamic com­po­si­tion. The cir­cles in the spec­ta­cles as well as the pipe and bowl fur­ther engage us visually.

Mondrian's Glasses and Pipe by Andre Kertesz - 1926

Mondrian’s Glasses and Pipe by Andre Kertesz — 1926

Photo of the day — Dec. 13, 2010 — I said, MUSH!

So I’m dogsit­ting a teeny 7 pound mini-poodle named Zeus for the next 2 weeks and we go out for a quick walk so lit­tle Zeusy can do his busi­ness. It’s snow­ing pretty hard but lit­tle Zeusy keeps trudg­ing for­ward look­ing for inter­est­ing scents to track when all of a sud­den I notice a path made by huge trac­tor tires. The lines go from fore­ground to midground and Zeus is pulling me in them. Imme­di­ately I think of the Grinch’s dog Max and I start laugh­ing. I pull out the Canon G11 and call Zeus’s name and he looks back at me. I take a few shots and then I tell him to ‘Mush!’ as I con­tinue laugh­ing to myself.

What drew me to this image was the humourous aspect and the lines. I noticed the leash’s line enter­ing the frame while I com­posed the image and that made the ‘scene’ even fun­nier sug­gest­ing that I was on a sled being pulled by this lit­tle dog. I guess my point on this one is be on the look­out for lines, they really help tell visual sto­ries!‚ I cropped this image squar­ish because it suited the scene bet­ter and I likely would have taken more time with the scene if L’il Zeusy and I were warmer.

I Said "MUSH!"

I Said “MUSH!” — Taken with the Canon G11

Vintage photo of the day — Dec. 10, 2010

I’ve been fol­low­ing the work of Jan Saudek (note: many graphic nude images on the site — NOT for the timid) for about 15 years and he is a Mas­ter pho­tog­ra­pher. What orig­i­nally drew me to his work is his sto­ry­telling, his non-conventional mod­els and back­grounds, his themes and the hand­colour­ing. Jan has a very notable ‘style’ and you will love him or hate him.

Today’s image of the day is Hun­gry For Your Touch, 1971 by Jan Saudek. I love the angle of this image and the posi­tions of the hands which are rem­i­nis­cent of‚ the Cre­ation of Adam paint­ing. I love the bright light enter­ing the door­way in the back­ground as it makes the theme of the image far richer. With­out the door the image is more about hands and inti­macy. WITH the door though, all kinds of addi­tional themes (at least to me) are sug­gested. These themes include, cre­ation, spir­i­tu­al­ity, union, long­ing and birth. That’s my take on it any­way, what do YOU see?

Hungry For Your Touch, 1971 by Jan Saudek

Hun­gry For Your Touch, 1971 by Jan Saudek

Photo of the day — December 8, 2010

I’ve come to real­ize some­thing about myself‚ lately, I just love detail shots.

There was a crazy snow­storm yes­ter­day so it was the per­fect time to go out­side and take pic­tures. :)

I took about 10 shots of var­i­ous scenes but when it came time to select just one image, I grav­i­tated toward this detail shot below. I had no ‘goal’ in mind except to take a win­tery shot. What attracted my eye to this shot were the lines. Lines in gen­eral are an extremely pow­er­ful com­po­si­tional ele­ment when used cor­rectly. Often they are used to guide the eye to another ele­ment in the image. In this case though, the lines them­selves are part of the sub­ject mat­ter and they just screamed to be photographed.

Winter Mat by Marko Kulik

Win­ter Mat by Marko Kulik

6 photos of the day — December 7, 2010

Last month I went on a photo-tour in the Rock­ies led by Dar­win Wiggett and after the tour was over he asked if we could send over our 6 faves for him to post on his site. Now that they have been posted on his site for a week or so I thought I’d also‚ post them here. Feel free to com­ment or cri­tique any aspect of these images.

Icy Sunrise at Preacher‚„s Point, Abraham Lake, Alberta by Marko Kulik

Icy Sun­rise at Preacher‚„s Point, Abra­ham Lake, Alberta by Marko Kulik

The ice for­ma­tions at Preacher‚„s Point were just awe­some. I could have eas­ily stayed there the entire day and the sun­rise was also one of the best that we had. I spent a good part of the morn­ing on my belly slid­ing on the ice look­ing for cool ice for­ma­tions. Although the ice I laid on was solid, the lake was not totally frozen and I kept hear­ing ice crack­ing sounds which freaked me out quite a bit.

Ice Cave at Beauty Creek, Jasper National Park, Alberta by Marko Kulik

Ice Cave at Beauty Creek, Jasper National Park, Alberta by Marko Kulik

I must have 20 shots of this ‚Ëœice cave‚„. I kept mov­ing closer and closer and closer until my footwear would not let me move any closer or my feet would have been soaked with ice-water. I was super-intrigued with the ice-forms to the right of the cen­tral rush­ing water as they seemed smoke-like to my eye.

Waveform at Coleman Creek, Banff National Park, Alberta by Marko Kulik

Wave­form at Cole­man Creek, Banff National Park, Alberta by Marko Kulik

I really dug Cole­man Creek and had the 105mm Macro on for close up details. The great thing about the 105 (I have the Nikon ver­sion) is that it‚„s also a lovely por­trait lens. When I spot­ted the inter­play between the water and the ice here, I imme­di­ately focused a few feet in front of me. I thought of surf­ing as I cap­tured this waveform.

Junction, North Saskatchewan River, Banff National Park by Marko Kulik

Junc­tion, North Saskatchewan River, Banff National Park by Marko Kulik

The rush­ing water, the ici­cles, as well as the rock faces all caught my atten­tion in this com­po­si­tion. I was also struck by the strong shapes and the inter­play between them.

Icy Tree Reflection at Waterfowl Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta by Marko Kulik

Icy Tree Reflec­tion at Water­fowl Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta by Marko Kulik

I was struck by the painterly feel of this reflected tree in the ice. The cracked ice and tex­tures made for a nice can­vas for the tree‚„s reflection.

Ice Disks, Abraham Lake, Alberta by Marko Kulik

Ice Disks, Abra­ham Lake, Alberta by Marko Kulik

This was a chal­leng­ing shot to get because I cut my pinky fin­ger on the ice maybe 5 min­utes before tak­ing this shot. I was bleed­ing a bit and tried to stop it with kleenex and it worked for a while. Every time I needed real dex­ter­ity though I moved the kleenex and it started up again. Any­way it healed up nicely. Sorry if I spoiled any macro com­po­si­tions for any­one. Wait a sec the inter­play of blood and ice ‚œ that might have been cool! I chose to con­vert this image to black and white because the nat­ural colours of rocks in the back­ground were inter­fer­ing with the form of the ice disks I wanted to highlight.

And those were the 6 that I sent off to Dar­win. Just in case peo­ple are inter­ested to see a few addi­tional shots, I posted 2 threads in our forum here.