About Photography.ca

Wel­come to the Photography.ca web­site and blog — pod­cast. My name is Marko Kulik and I’m a free­lance and fine art pho­tog­ra­pher in Mon­treal, Que­bec as well as the Admin­is­tra­tor of Photography.ca. I’m really glad that you found us because I love shar­ing what I know and learn­ing new pho­tog­ra­phy tricks from oth­ers. The Photography.ca blog and pod­cast along with the forum dis­cuss fine art pho­tog­ra­phy, gen­eral and dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy as well as pro­vide tips and tech­niques to improve your pho­tog­ra­phy. Every­one is wel­come, feed­back is appre­ci­ated and I am always recep­tive to com­mu­ni­cat­ing with new­bie, ama­teur and other pro­fes­sional photographers!

Click here to read my Bio as a pho­tog­ra­pher. In terms of my non-photo pas­sions; I’m into film, play­ing a bit of gui­tar, improv and I’m a big time ani­mal lover that admin­is­ters and co-owns a pet web­site.

In terms of con­nect­ing with me on this web­site or in other places:
I offer Photo tours of Mon­treal and/or crash courses in Pho­tog­ra­phy at markokulik.com - Gal­leries of my per­sonal pho­tog­ra­phy are here.
Feel free to check out our Face­book page. I post excel­lent photo finds there 4–5 times a week.  To fol­low me on Twit­ter, Fol­low markoku­lik or Fol­low me on Google+ or Face­book.

The link deal: Some of the links in this blog/podcast are affil­i­ate links from Ama­zon, B&H and other com­pa­nies and we also show occa­sional Google ads. Buy­ing through these links helps sup­port this site. Occa­sion­ally I review prod­ucts that I buy or own, or I test the lat­est ‘some­thing’ that my shut­ter­bug friends are buzzing about and loan me. On even rarer occa­sions I review prod­ucts that com­pa­nies send to me that I have to return back. You’ll find that I only post rec­om­men­da­tions for prod­ucts that I per­son­ally use (or will start using) and believe in.

- I’d  like to thank Nico Pin from Snowy Day design for past design work on this site as well as Jonathan Christo­pher for recent design and cod­ing work.
Credit to Las­zlo for tak­ing the por­trait of me used above.
– I’d also like to thank the mem­bers and mod­er­a­tors of our pho­tog­ra­phy forum, site vis­i­tors as well as our pod­cast lis­ten­ers. Thanks to you all for mak­ing Photography.ca a friendly learn­ing environment.