Dita Kubin - Fine Art Photography

‘Memory streams and the reconstructed portrait’

Dita Kubin works with photographic medium, using both traditional wet-lab and digital processes to create photographic collages in which human identity in a transcendence of space-time comes under intimate observation. Technically and aesthetically precise,her reconstructed portraits resemble memory streams, having an atmosphere where the suspension of space-time is greatly felt much like that of our dream-states. She approaches visually the notions scientists approach mathematically: memory as a holographic experience, where all is in a space-time flux and memory recall works by way of abstract relatedness. In this abstract reality, the blur becomes the base reality (true identity) and sharp edges the inferences of happenings (space-time events). Her work examines the multi-dimensional state of being and how the relatedness of memories are read.

Born in former Czechoslovakia, Dita currently lives and works in Montreal, Canada.
She moved to Montreal for the purpose of study, completing her 3 year program in photography in 1998, at Dawson College. She has worked as teacher of photography and multimedia, as well as freelance photographer and artist. Since 2004, she has been concentrating solely on her art career.

Copyright © Dita Kubin. All images are protected by international copyright laws.

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