Linda Rutenberg - Fine Art Photography

The Garden at Night

Linda Rutenberg has been a photographer, author and educator for the last thirty years. Her award-winning œMont Royal-A World Apart reveals one year™s exploration of the Frederic Law Olmstead Park that is in the heart of Montreal, Quebec. She has created the photographs for eleven books with ECW Press called the Secret Series on North American cities. œThe Garden at Night was published by Chronicle Books in 2007. Linda’s most recent book “After Midnight: Through the Seasons at the Montreal Botanical Gardens” was published in May 2008 with an accompaning exhibition. Finally, Linda has just completed the work for her third book in the series to be published in May 2009 by Thames and Hudson called “The English Garden at Night”.Her fine art work has been exhibited internationally, (Canada, US, Mexico and Europe) and can be found in many prestigious collections including the National Gallery of Canada, Agnes Etherington Collection, Standard Life, Banque Nationale Collection and the Biblioteque National in Paris. A traveling exhibition of images from œThe Garden at Night Series started touring North America in 2008.

She has taught workshops in different parts of the world and has organized photographic trips through Mexico, United States and Canada. In 1995 she opened Camera Lucida Image Centre in Montreal which housed a darkroom rental facility, a lab, a school and a gallery. In 1997 opened Galerie Mistral, a fine art photography gallery in Montreal, Canada.

Her work can be seen at: and

Linda lives and works in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Copyright © Linda Rutenberg. All images are protected by international copyright laws.

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