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Photojournalists try to Photograph Gulf Oil Leak

This is a discussion on Photojournalists try to Photograph Gulf Oil Leak within the Photographic essays and classic photography forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; This is an interesting piece about the difficulties photojournalists are having to try and cover the Gulf Oil Leak . ...

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    AcadieLibre's Avatar
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    Default Photojournalists try to Photograph Gulf Oil Leak

    This is an interesting piece about the difficulties photojournalists are having to try and cover the Gulf Oil Leak. I keep seeing the term spill but that underscores the severity and ongoing issue the leak is presenting to all covering the story and those trying to resolve the Leak. Spills stop once the vessel or container holding it empties, this Leak is an ongoing continuous output of oil into the ocean (gulf) and surrounding environments. Still even the term Leak seems to be an underwhelming word considering what is going on. Anyway enough of semantics.
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    casil403's Avatar
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    Here's another one form TIME photo essays of birds...It is more like the Gulf Oil Gush if you ask me....leak denotes it is a tiny amount and spill says it is a one time thing.
    Absolutely both tragic and criminal...apparently they are saying that this should be one of the worst hurricane seasons this year as if to add insult to injury.
    Victims of the BP Oil Spill - Photo Essays - TIME

    And one more of the protests going on all over the world against British Petroleum:,00.html
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    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    Looking at those photos of pelicans dripping in black crude oil, the only part of their bodies not slicked in the sickening oil- their eyes, made me cry. They can not fly, they can not eat. Not so long ago, these birds were on the endangered species list:
    Extinction Countdown: Delisted and in danger: Gulf oil spill threatens brown pelicans months after they are dropped from endangered species list

    I hope that every executive of BP Oil and every executive of any oil company that has blatantly, destroyed living creatures sees that photo of that pathetic pelican, its body dripping in stinking crude oil every night for the rest of their lives and the eyes of that poor bird sear a burning hole in their souls.


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