Multiple exposure in photography — Photo podcast #32

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #32‚talks about mul­ti­ple expo­sure in pho­tog­ra­phy. In this pod­cast we dis­cuss the dif­fer­ent ways we can cre­ate mul­ti­ple expo­sures includ­ing in cam­era mul­ti­ple expo­sures (with dig­i­tal and tra­di­tional cam­eras) as well as cre­at­ing mul­ti­ple expo­sures using an enlarger or Pho­to­shop.

The above 2 photographs‚were taken ‘in cam­era’ by expos­ing 2 images on 1 frame of film.

This week, the pho­to­graph by Esther Her­nan­dez known on Flickr as‚Maguapho­tos‚ is very apros pos because it is a mul­ti­ple expo­sure cre­ated in a graph­ics pro­gram. I com­ment in the pod­cast on why I think this pho­to­graph is fantastic.

multiple exposure

Other links men­tioned in this pod­cast;
Jerry Uels­mann‚- Mas­ter com­bi­na­tion printer
Pos­ing mod­els in pho­tog­ra­phy‚- cov­ers a wee bit of tegan’s sug­ges­tion‚
‚- Mas­ter com­bi­na­tion printer‚- cov­ers a wee bit of tegan’s sug­ges­tion‚‚- Mas­ter com­bi­na­tion printer‚- cov­ers a wee bit of tegan’s sug­ges­tion‚‚

‚- Thanks as always for com­ments by‚Rob, Al, DaronJ and Cindy on our last pod­cast on pho­tog­ra­phy tele­con­vert­ers . Thanks very much to Sami­rah and Tegan, mem­bers of our pho­tog­ra­phy forum‚for their sug­ges­tions on future pod­casts. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more.

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing first link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below the pho­tographs.


  1. admin says:

    Hey that is is a cool shot Yves — Nice job!

  2. Yves Janse says:

    Hey Marko, thanks for the pod­cast. This is my first attempt at mul­ti­ple expo­sures: click here . It is just a first try, but it worked out pretty well. I man­aged to keep the shad­ows intact :)

  3. admin says:

    More than my plea­sure Carl­son! Thanks!

  4. Carlson Chu says:

    Finally fig­ured out how all these multi expo­sures work, the pod­cast helped me so much. I always wanted to take some­thing fun. Thank you!

  5. Al says:

    When I first got my SLR, I exper­i­mented heav­ily with mul­ti­ple expo­sures, espe­cially with leaf­less tree branches to cre­ate “veiny” effects. I got some very inter­est­ing results, but never tried adjust­ing the film speed. I’m going to shoot a few rolls tomor­row, so I’m going to revisit mul­ti­ple expo­sures and adjust the speed. Thank you for the tips!

    One of the chal­lenges is definetely visu­al­iz­ing and try­ing to keep a men­tal pic­ture of the pre­vi­ous shot and how to line it up with the next image. But one of the great­est moments is stum­bling upon an inter­est­ing pat­tern, snap­ping it, and walk­ing around keep­ing an eye open for the per­fect image to com­pli­ment it.


  1. […] Nova­tron Viv­i­tar Sun­pak Alien bees Pocket Wiz­ard Stro­bist Thanks as always for com­ments by Al, on our last pod­cast on‚Multiple expo­sure in photography‚and thanks very much to Sami­rah of our pho­tog­ra­phy forum‚for‚her sug­ges­tion that inspired this par­tic­u­lar pod­cast. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more. […]

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