55 — Using Photoshop Actions — Photography podcast

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #55 talks about using actions to stream­line your work­flow. Actions are a set of steps that you record to trans­form an image in some way. Once you have recorded the action once you can apply it to any other image file. We also talk about com­mer­cial actions that you can buy that will totally trans­form your images. The 2 that we talk about are Kevin Kubota’s actions and Craig’s actions. I’d like to thank Kevin Kub­ota once again for giv­ing me some actions to play with. The images below were all done with Kevin’s actions.

Top shot - straight; Middle shot uses vibrant glow action; Botton shot uses BW GM Warm2 +snappy action

Top shot — straight; Mid­dle shot — vibrant glow action; Bot­tom shot BW GM Warm2 +snappy action

Left shot straight; Right shot uses Anime soft action

Left shot straight; Right shot uses Anime soft action

Links men­tioned in this pod­cast:
Kevin Kubota’s actions
Pod­cast #52 Kevin Kub­ota inter­view
Craig’s actions
Free pho­to­shop actions search result
Pho­tograph­ing words assign­ment forum

Thanks as always to‚ Susan who posted a blog com­ment about our last pod­cast. Thanks also to gbh59, Michael van der Tol, justin­m­cguigan, pogueca, Fredric, DeepR, mor­gan, JoMama, fante, lily13, SMG, Wymasa, liamm­clen­nan, J & R Par­ent, and malechi who recently joined the photography.ca forum and posted a few times. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more.

If you are look­ing at this mate­r­ial on any other site except Photography.ca — Please hop on over to the Photography.ca blog and pod­cast and get this and other pho­tog­ra­phy info directly from the source. I Sub­scribe with iTunes I Sub­scribe via RSS feed I Sub­scribe with Google Reader I

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below.


  1. Thanks for the post, the ps actions are extremely use­ful for me when edit­ing 100’s of images for the website

  2. Hi Marko,

    Another infor­ma­tive pod­cast. I’m a big action cre­ator and user; I use actions in pho­to­shop to elim­i­nate repet­i­tive tasks. As you sug­gested in your pod­cast, cre­at­ing your own per­sonal actions is a great way for new Pho­to­shop users to become famil­iar with this fea­ture. Another great resource for actions is the Adobe Exchange.(I think I heard you men­tion this in your show). Your other lis­ten­ers will likely find this in the search link that you pro­vided, but I wanted to do a spe­cific “call out” on this resource as it has a lot of inter­est­ing actions. You will need to cre­ate a userid/password but that’s all free.

  3. Susan says:

    Marko — after your blow your nose, (yup, a wee nasel-y) dou­ble check to see if you indeed include the pho­tograph­ing words link — I did not see it, but more than likely it was right there, under my drippy nose.

    Now, seri­ously, as always, great infor­ma­tion! I beleive for PSP X2 users there is some­thing called “scripts” which sounds like it may be the same tool.
    I have not yet tried it but is most cer­tainly on my to do list. I love the idea of not hand sizing/framing/sepiaing.…. all 500 images by hand!


  1. […] must-read arti­cles: Moth­er­hood and pho­tog­ra­phy Pro­fes­sional Pho­tog­ra­phers Must Adapt or Die 55 — Using Pho­to­shop Actions — Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast The ulti­mate guide to HDR pho­tog­ra­phy Dig­i­tal Pho­tog­ra­phy Tuto­r­ial ‚” Image Noise And Noise […]

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