A Mad Moment — Having Fun at Ph.ca — Mad Aussie

Gid­day again to another lit­tle ‘Mad Moment’

Pho­tog­ra­phy can be a daunt­ing sub­ject to learn, espe­cially for those at the very begin­ning of the learn­ing curve. Aper­tures, f-stops, depth of field, lead­ing lines, neg­a­tive space, ISO, modes, poses, pan­ning, HDR, it just goes on and on. It can get a lit­tle frus­trat­ing at times I know.

But Photography.ca is about mak­ing learn­ing eas­ier, and, more impor­tantly to me, mak­ing it more fun also! I don’t do too many things that I don’t find fun. And if it wasn’t fun at Photography.ca … I wouldn’t ‘do’ that either! If you’ve been lis­ten­ing to Marko’s pod­casts then you’ll agree that they have a flavour, a feel, an energy, that just screams out “relax … sit down … enjoy! Eat me out of house and home just don’t kick my dog!!”‚ This is some­thing I find lack­ing in most other pod­casts on pho­tog­ra­phy. I don’t fall asleep lis­ten­ing to Marko! :)

But are the forums here the same as most forums? Or do they also have a life of their own?
So many forums are uptight and so proper that you are afraid to slide into its cyber-lounge and kick your shoes off for fear of some forum cop run­ning over, beat­ing you with his forum trun­cheon, and read­ing you some forum riot act!

Well … pol­ish up your funny bones, rub some mois­tur­izer into your smi­ley mus­cles, and pull out your sense of‚ humour and stroke it awhile, cause here at Photography.ca we encour­age some lev­ity and joy. All we ask is that our mem­bers show respect to each other where appro­pri­ate and don’t sti­fle someone’s thread with jokes if they haven’t yet got the answers they seek.

So … Fun with Pho­tog­ra­phy. There’s many ways to do this and, of course, these ways can vary per­son to person.

My ‘Mad Moment’ today will focus on sim­ply look­ing for the lev­ity in your pho­tos and shar­ing those. You may have a photo that doesn’t really come up to any great tech­ni­cal level but it cer­tainly has an amuse­ment value.

The fol­low­ing thread links will show what I like to do with pho­tos like this. Enjoy and we hope to see you join in and learn with us.

Forum Threads
Does my ass look big to you?

I Quit! Life’s Too Hard!

For Sale — Going Cheep

By Mad Aussie — Photography.ca blog con­trib­u­tor & forum mem­ber


  1. Zoe says:

    Hi I love your pod casts and this arti­cle is so true! I have been pho­tograph­ing jew­el­ery for my online store. And I won­der if you have any tips on doing that. I find in the forums of the place where I sell my jew­el­ery the topic is always how do I take bet­ter jew­el­ery pic­tures. I would love to pro­vide them with a link to your pod cast for help. maybe you could do one on pho­tograph­ing jewelery?


  2. Susan says:

    Mad Aussie is not alone in his think­ing! here at Ph.ca — fun IS the name of the game!

    Marko’s forum should be called foruS! He gives so much to us in his pod­casts and is active as a forum con­tributer as well.

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