winning member images from April 2009

For the past few months we have added a new fea­ture on our pho­tog­ra­phy bul­letin board where the Admin on (Me, Marko), chooses 1 photo that he thinks is great and talks about the photo. The pen­guin photo below titled A zoo more by Siejones was my choice for this month. (check the pre­vi­ous link for the explanation).

We have lots of pho­tographs being sub­mit­ted each month on our forum for cri­tiques, assign­ments or just to show the photo. Choos­ing Siejones’s photo as the ‹“win­nerž took many hours of care­ful sift­ing. Given that it took so long to choose, I came across many many many close con­tenders. Seems like a waste of time just to include 1 photo so Ižd like to include 4 hon­ourable men­tions right here.

If you havenžt joined our forum I would encour­age you to do so. We are an extremely friendly bunch that share and learn daily.

Herežs the win­ning photo by Siejones:

A zoo more by Siejones

Here are the 4 hon­ourable men­tions in no par­tic­u­lar order:

A Mallard’s Por­trait by Michaelaw

A Walk On Deck by Lovin

Cloud bank BW by Barefoot

Gui­tarist by AcadieLibre

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