Photography forum image of the month — April 2010

Every month on our¯¿½ pho­tog­ra­phy forum mem­bers nom­i­nate images that they like. Then at the end of the month I choose an excel­lent image and talk about why it rocks. The photo I choose is not nec­es­sar­ily the best one of the month. I¯¿½ve come to real­ize it¯¿½s not really log­i­cal to pit images from totally dif­fer­ent gen­res against each other. That¯¿½s why there are cat­e­gories in photo con­tests. I just choose a photo that has extremely strong ele­ments that we can learn from.

Some Bugs by OWLP - Click to enlarge
Some Bugs by OWLP — Click to enlarge

I chose this image for sev­eral reasons:

The eye is tack tack sharp and that’s hard to do on a sub­ject this small, because focus­ing (and dof) is a chal­leng­ing task at this size and dis­tance to sub­ject. Sharp­ness is lovely in many places; leg hairs, tho­rax, abdomen. Blurred back­ground shows no distractions.

The sub­ject has a def­i­nite impact on the viewer. It’s likely very creepy for many view­ers, prob­a­bly because of sharp­ness. My eye is focused on one thing, that fly.

Good com­po­si­tion all around which can be chal­leng­ing at this size as well.

Nice high­light con­trol on what­ever the fly is rest­ing on and the over­all expo­sure is well han­dled with sup­ple­men­tary lighting.

For all these rea­sons, this is my choice for image of the month. Since we all have opin­ions, some mem­bers may dis­agree with my choice. That’s cool but THIS thread is not the place for debate over my pick, NOR is it the place to fur­ther cri­tique the image. The pur­pose here is to sug­gest strong ele­ments in the photo that we may learn from.

Con­grats again OWLP for cre­at­ing this strik­ing image!

I¯¿½d also like to include these 2 images as hon­ourable men­tions as they also came so so close to being picked.

Col­or­less Beauty by Kat

Colorless Beauty by Kat - Click to enlarge
Col­or­less Beauty by Kat — Click to enlarge

Din­ner time by Richard

Dinner time by Richard - Click to enlarge
Din­ner time by Richard — Click to enlarge

Power At Sun­rise by Mad Aussie

Power at Sunrise by Mad Aussie - Click to enlarge
Power at Sun­rise by Mad Aussie — Click to enlarge


  1. These are all won­der­ful pic­tures, and I think that you did a great job pick­ing them.

    I find the image of the fly inter­est­ing because of the sharp­ness and inten­sity of the color. First off, we aren’t used to see­ing a fly that size, and the color fur­ther abstracts it from the realms of the nor­mal. It ends up look­ing like some bizarre crea­ture from a science-fiction novel. It’s striking.

    Also–I love the dynamic com­po­si­tion in ‘Col­or­less Beauty’. That one fuzz com­ing off of the head helps to give the image an engag­ing active ele­ment. It wouldn’t be as strong without.

  2. Yisehaq says:

    These are tru­ely mag­nif­i­cent shots. My falicitations.

  3. Benny says:

    These are beau­ti­ful pho­tos even the fly. Con­grats to the winners.

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