Testimonials — Thanks — Comments

If you found that our site/podcast/forum was help­ful to you in any way a thank-you note or tes­ti­mo­nial is greatly appre­ci­ated. Feel free to also leave con­struc­tive crit­i­cism or gen­eral comments.


  1. Del says:

    Hi Marko

    I’ve just dis­cov­ered the photography.ca pod­cast and have lis­tened to back to back episodes whilst dri­ving up and down the motor­ways of the UK. Really, really enjoyed them — espe­cially the tech­ni­cal ones about noise, chro­matic aber­ra­tions etc.

    Please keep up the great work — much appreciated


  2. Nuno C. says:

    After search­ing for infor­ma­tion about pho­tog­ra­phy, I came across this pod­cast and after hear­ing a cou­ple of the most recent ones I decided to lis­ten to them all from the begin­ning! Every pod­cast is full of inter­est­ing infor­ma­tion and ideas, the inter­views are great and Marko is an excel­lent nar­ra­tor. This is by far one of the best sources for learn­ing about pho­tog­ra­phy that I know of.
    Keep up the good work and thank you!

  3. Rich from Peterborough Ontario says:

    I just wanted to extend my thanks and appre­ci­a­tion for your work on a superb pod­cast! I just started lis­ten­ing a month or so ago — haven’t heard them all yet, but I’m work­ing my way through.

    I really like your for­mat, it’s easy to lis­ten to and always very infor­ma­tive. I espe­cially enjoy when you share your per­sonal expe­ri­ences and can laugh at your­self the way we some­times have to do, like when you described wear­ing your snow/rain umbrella rig :)

    As a new lis­tener it’s also great that you refer back to older pod­casts (by num­ber) that dis­cussed cer­tain top­ics, so we can seek out the spe­cific tips we need. Nice touch!

    Thanks again, I’m look­ing for­ward to lis­ten­ing lots more and also con­grats on reach­ing #100!

    Peter­bor­ough, Ontario

  4. HWBAGS says:

    This web­site is a great resource. Very nice orga­ni­za­tion and lots of good info. I really appre­ci­ate the Auto White Bal­ance Com­par­i­son and tech­ni­cal info. I am an engi­neer and think the same way.

  5. Enrique Waizel says:

    I already men­tioned this as part of an iTunes review and I’ll also include it here:

    Very inspir­ing!
    I already had a gen­eral knowl­edge about pho­tog­ra­phy. Nev­er­the­less, Marko was great to help me refresh some areas. In other cases it was an excel­lent source to know about the new trends hap­pen­ing in dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy (HDR for exam­ple). Its main con­tri­bu­tion for me was in the area of inspi­ra­tion. Marko him­self with the help of many other great pho­tog­ra­phers that he was able to inter­view are able to open our minds. We can start exper­i­ment­ing again and hav­ing again that feel­ing of “wow!” while learn­ing and dis­cov­er­ing. Finally, the asso­ci­ated forum is a great place to meet other peo­ple, share images and receive feedback.

    Thank you Marko for doing this after all this time.


  6. Rebecca says:

    HEy every­one!

    just took a class with Marko and it was great! I highly recomend it to any­one who needs some tips and beter under­stand­ing of the cam­era! Marko is easy to talk to, knows his stuff and always has a tip mak­ing you say ooooh thats how to do it… Loved it! thanks Marko!

  7. John says:

    Hi Marko,

    I came across your pho­tog­ra­phy web­site this week and have found it very inter­est­ing. I’m quite new to pho­tog­ra­phy though I’ve been play­ing around with a point and shoot for many year. I thought it was a good time to learn more about it and pur­chased my first SLR (actu­ally I have an SLT) cam­era which is a Sony SLT A33. I’m happy with it as an entry-level cam­era. I know there are a lot of expen­sive cam­eras around like the Nikons and Canons but I bought my cam­era as I already have Sony prod­ucts and the trans­fer­abil­ity of my mem­ory sticks and also the fact they have a good VAT back offer at the moment was really the clincher. I’m sure I’m going to buy a Nikon or Canon in the future but for now I’m happy.

    Your pod­casts have really been use­ful and have intro­duced me to quite a lot I need to know.

    It’s easy to feel daunted by all the ter­mi­nol­ogy which can sound pretty eso­teric at times but I like the way you appeal to and encour­age both the begin­ners and pro­fes­sion­als out there. That’s really encour­ag­ing and in a small space of time I’m sur­prised by how much I’ve learned.

    All the best and keep up the good work.

    Best wishes,
    John Prince

  8. Daniel says:

    Hey Marko,
    I just wanted to say thank you very much for the photo shoot we had last week­end, all the tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion and advice you gave me are already help­ing me to improve my over­all pho­tog­ra­phy skills. You know what you’re talk­ing about and it shows. Thanks again.
    Daniel T.

  9. Benny says:

    I just wanted to say that I really appre­ci­ate your pod­casts. They have taught me so much about pho­tog­ra­phy. I really like the cre­ative pod­casts best like the orton one. I also look at the forum very often but I don’t post. Any­way just wanted to say thanks for every­thing. You and your web­site mem­bers are very friendly.

  10. Alan says:


    I really like your pod­cast, it™s infor­ma­tive, non com­mer­cial and down to earth. Have you thought of doing some round­ta­bles? They are a lot more fun than just inter­view­ing some­one who has pots and pans for sale, writ­ten a photo book, has some soft­ware or any num­ber of stuff to pitch.

  11. Ray says:

    Hi Marko,

    I’m sit­ting here lis­ten­ing to your pod­cast #75 about buy­ing your first DSLR, some­thing I’m look­ing at doing. Great content.

    Because I can’t help myself and because I like to “help”, hope­fully you’ll see it that way. I have one piece of con­struc­tive criticism.

    First off the show sounds great. If you don’t mind telling me how you record it, your setup, that would be cool.

    My only advice is to get a pop fil­ter, if you don’t have one already, and get really, really close to the mic. I say this just because it will really cut out that room sound, that sound you get from your voice bounc­ing off the square walls of your room. I think you’ll find it a great lit­tle trick for knock­ing down that sound and upping the pro­duc­tion value of your show.

    Again, awe­some show, I enjoy your energy, it comes through well in your audio.

    Take care,


  12. Martin says:

    I dis­cov­ered the pod­cast just a few days ago and have already lis­tened to most of them. The top­ics are per­fect and your treat­ment of each, as well as the length of your pod­casts, is really spot on.
    I’m look­ing for­ward to putting my hum­ble efforts on the Assign­ments Board and receiv­ing feed­back.
    Let me know if you ever make it to Mex­ico City; I’d be happy to tour around and shoot with you.
    –Mar­tin (“MartinJohn”)

  13. Clément says:

    Hello Marko,

    First I would like to con­grat­u­late you for all the work and effort you put in this GREAT site of yours. I’ve only found out recently about http://www.photography.ca while doing a research on Google for some­thing related to pho­tog­ra­phy. This was a very good dis­cov­ery and I’m a reg­u­lar vis­i­tor (most every day) to your forums and I even ven­tured to doing a cou­ple of posts (zenon5940) so far. Some­day I’ll prob­a­bly get more inspi­ra­tion and do some more posting.

    I took my first pic­tures on a BROWNIE cam­era while in my teens… in the 50’s and then bought a Minolta (range finder 35mm) in the 60’s and my first SLR was a PENTAX Spot­matic II in 1971. I’ve then owned a Bron­ica SLR 120 and a cou­ple of Minolta’s in the MAXXUM fam­ily. My last film SLR is a MAXXUM 700si which I still own and would sell for peanuts…

    Recently I wanted to renew with pho­tog­ra­phy and got myself a Nikon D90 with a 18–55 reg­u­lar kit lens. This is when I started to Google info and found your site and then the pre­cious pod­casts you do. I down­loaded every one of them and I’ve lis­tened to more than half of them so far, start­ing with #1 and going up. I would be lying if I said I had a great inter­est in all of them. There are sub­jects (dark­room tech­niques for instance) that have not stim­u­lated me very much but, cer­tainly oth­ers must have enjoyed the same. What I really like about your pod­casts is the great energy and humor I can feel in the way you present them.

    I’m a mem­ber of Nikonians.org but had I found your site first I dont think I would have paid for a mem­ber­ship in Niko­ni­ans… I spend more time on photography.ca than on nikonians.org.

    Hope this was not to long but I will say “You asked for it !”

    THANS AGAIN Marko for a GREAT job.

    Clement (zenon5940)

    P.S.: BTW. I’m dri­ving to Aca­pulco for the win­ter and my girl­friend wants us to go visit the Grand Canyon ( just a 2000 km detour…) Would you have any advice as to where we should go visit ? Is Sedona ( I know from your pod­casts you were there ) a good place ? Do you know of others ?

  14. Cl©ment says:

    Hello Marko,

    First I would like to con­grat­u­late you for all the work and effort you put in this GREAT site of yours. I’ve only found out recently about http://www.photography.ca while doing a research on Google for some­thing related to pho­tog­ra­phy. This was a very good dis­cov­ery and I’m a reg­u­lar vis­i­tor (most every day) to your forums and I even ven­tured to doing a cou­ple of posts (zenon5940) so far. Some­day I’ll prob­a­bly get more inspi­ra­tion and do some more posting.

    I took my first pic­tures on a BROWNIE cam­era while in my teens… in the 50’s and then bought a Minolta (range finder 35mm) in the 60’s and my first SLR was a PENTAX Spot­matic II in 1971. I’ve then owned a Bron­ica SLR 120 and a cou­ple of Minolta’s in the MAXXUM fam­ily. My last film SLR is a MAXXUM 700si which I still own and would sell for peanuts…

    Recently I wanted to renew with pho­tog­ra­phy and got myself a Nikon D90 with a 18–55 reg­u­lar kit lens. This is when I started to Google info and found your site and then the pre­cious pod­casts you do. I down­loaded every one of them and I’ve lis­tened to more than half of them so far, start­ing with #1 and going up. I would be lying if I said I had a great inter­est in all of them. There are sub­jects (dark­room tech­niques for instance) that have not stim­u­lated me very much but, cer­tainly oth­ers must have enjoyed the same. What I really like about your pod­casts is the great energy and humor I can feel in the way you present them.

    I’m a mem­ber of Nikonians.org but had I found your site first I dont think I would have paid for a mem­ber­ship in Niko­ni­ans… I spend more time on photography.ca than on nikonians.org.

    Hope this was not to long but I will say “You asked for it !”

    THANS AGAIN Marko for a GREAT job.

    Clement (zenon5940)

    P.S.: BTW. I’m dri­ving to Aca­pulco for the win­ter and my girl­friend wants us to go visit the Grand Canyon ( just a 2000 km detour…) Would you have any advice as to where we should go visit ? Is Sedona ( I know from your pod­casts you were there ) a good place ? Do you know of others ?

  15. Travis says:

    I really enjoy the pod­cast and have recently begun to par­tic­i­pate a small amount in the forums. One thing that I really like about your pod­cast is that when talk­ing about post pro­cess­ing you do not only men­tion Pho­to­shop. I per­son­ally only use Linux based com­put­ers so Pho­to­shop is not an option for myself. I instead use a com­bi­na­tion of Digikam for photo-management, GIMP, Rawther­a­pee, and Krita for the min­i­mal amount of post pro­cess­ing that I do.

    Just wanted to say thank you for the great pod­cast, I am rel­a­tively new to avid ama­ture pho­tog­ra­phy. I have only moved to my first DSLR (Nikon D200 with 18-200mm 3.5 –5.6, and 55mm 1.8) within the last 18 months.

    Travis “tmbi­grigg” Bigrigg
    Can­ton, OH USA

  16. Kent W says:

    Hi Marco –

    I enjoy your pod­casts very much. But on iTunes, many of the early ones seem not to be avail­able. There were quite a ew I wanted to lis­ten to, but now .… ?

    Keep up the good work. Your enthu­si­asm is infec­tious. (Talk­ing fast doesn’t bother me :-P )


  17. Valter says:

    Hello my name is Val­ter Pereira from ajax,Ontario.This email is for marko­cu­lik re:Podcast show.I hope I have this email correct.Your show is top notch Ive been lis­ten­ing to pho­tog­ra­phy pod­casts for 2 years now.I set­tled on a show Dig pho­tog­ra­phy life which use to be the Dig pho­tograpghy show.Till now I thought there was only one high qual­ity show out there.I was wrong.It amazes me how well you deliver the pod­cast with­out an assis­tant or co-host.You speak quickly but you absolutely have to and you repeat points any­ways so I never miss anything.Don’t let any­one scare you into slow­ing down.You have the per­fect voice,tone,personality and most impor­tantly knowledge.Thank you.I didn’t email you though to kiss your ass but I was inter­ested in some prod­uct reviews ie expo disk,lensbaby or any other pho­tog­ra­phy gad­gets out there that make shoot­ing more interesting.As well,guests like scott Kelby,Rick Sam­mon would be great.I left a glow­ing review on iTunes.You R going to grow big its in the cards my friend.

  18. Jean L says:

    Hey Marko !!!

    Just a quick word to say Hi !, & to say CONGRATS on your pod­cast!, I enjoy every show!!!!!

    I’m new to pho­tog­ra­phy (started in June), but already I’m mak­ing good shots. I love pho­tog­ra­phy so much.
    Some pho­tos here : http://www.flickr.com/photos/photosjl/

    Well, I’m writ­ing this email for a suggestion ..

    Since, I’m new to pho­tog­ra­phy, it would be great to organ­ise a “photo-walk” in Mon­treal in Spring maybe.

    Think about it!

    Many thanks Marko for all your fab­u­lous work!

    I just reg­is­tered on your site! Yaaaaaaay!

    have a great day!!!

  19. Bill J. says:

    Hi Marco,

    I just wanted to send you a note to tell you how much I’ve been enjoy­ing the
    photography.ca pod­casts. I’ve also been look­ing around the web­site and like
    it too. I joined the forum tonight (user­name: wjef­fries same as on flickr).

    I’ve been into pho­tog­ra­phy for years, but only in the last year have I
    really decided to learn about it and try to do it well, past point and shoot
    on auto. I started with my son, then nature, still life, urban, wildlife,
    and then decided to give por­traits a try. I think por­trait pho­tog­ra­phy
    prob­a­bly has one of the steep­est learn­ing curves.

    Any­way, I found your pod­cast through a google search for pos­ing mod­els, and
    found #28. I really enjoyed it, espe­cially Dom’s com­ment that he doesn’t
    pose mod­els, but poses ordi­nary peo­ple to look like mod­els. Since then I’ve
    been work­ing my way through all of the shows and am find­ing them all very
    use­ful, fun, and infor­ma­tive. There are a lot of great pod­casts on
    pho­tog­ra­phy out there, but nobody else is pri­mar­ily a por­trait photographer.

    Some of my favorites are on the pho­to­cast net­work. It might be a good thing
    for you to look into. I think your show would fit in well there and you
    would see a huge increase in lis­ten­ers. I have no idea how they choose
    pod­casts to include, but all of them are very good and the peo­ple involved
    all seem very nice, might be worth a look.

    Well, that’s about it for now. Keep up the good work. With your help I may
    just become a good por­trait pho­tog­ra­pher. I’d love to hear a pod­cast in a
    bit more detail about “direct­ing” ordi­nary peo­ple in a por­trait ses­sion. I
    tend to start out ok, but some­times sort of, choke, I guess, and then for­get
    every­thing I know about tak­ing pho­tos, pos­ing peo­ple, and walk­ing while
    chew­ing gum :)

    Bill Jef­fries

  20. Juan V says:


    I just want to send you a note thank­ing you for your pod­cast. Recently I bought my first mp3 player to be able to lis­ten to pho­tog­ra­phy pod­casts on my way to work. I had down­loaded sev­eral pod­casts in my com­puter, but never had the oppor­tu­nity to lis­ten to them (busy house­hold — work and kids!).

    Obvi­ously I started lis­ten­ing to the most pop­u­lar pod­casts, but always ended up dis­ap­pointed. Yes, they talked about tech­nique and gear, but that was noth­ing dif­fer­ent from what I could read online myself or from a good book. Some of them just try to praise them­selves as pho­tog­ra­pher and use the pod­cast for their own per­sonal ben­e­fit or they were just rely­ing too much in the gear. When I started lis­ten­ing to your pod­cast, then I real­ized this was some­thing dif­fer­ent. You’re a pho­tog­ra­pher first and that’s obvi­ous in your pod­casts, either about tech­nique, gear or the inter­views. Your com­ments about pic­tures focus in the artis­tic part of them and that’s great.

    Things really clicked to me after I read this arti­cle in the Out­door Pho­tog­ra­pher mag­a­zine (here is the link: http://www.outdoorphotographer.com/content/2008/jan-feb/photo-traveler3.shtml

    Bob Krist says in the last para­graph of the sec­ond page:

    But the infat­u­a­tion with the tech­nol­ogy of pho­tog­ra­phy over the œvi­sion thing is ram­pant in the dig­i­tal age. You only have to spend a lit­tle time on some blogs and forums run by experts, many self-proclaimed, who end­lessly ana­lyze and pon­tif­i­cate on the mer­its of one RAW-processing pro­gram over another, one brand of cam­era over another, one JPEG algo­rithm over another to real­ize this. If you only read the analy­ses, many of these experts sound great.

    But once you see their pho­tog­ra­phy, it becomes evi­dent that while they may be tech­ni­cal experts, that™s as far as it goes. Much of the arcane hair­split­ting that goes on these days is the dig­i­tal age™s equiv­a­lent of medieval the­olo­gians who hotly debated the ques­tion, œHow many angels can dance on the head of a pin? By and large, nobody but them cares, and the net effect in the œreal world is zero. A bor­ing pic­ture, no mat­ter how tech­ni­cally expert, is still a bor­ing picture!”

    As far as I am con­cerned, these two para­graphs say it all. You’re not just a tech­ni­cal expert, a gad­get per­son, you are a pho­tog­ra­pher and that’s trans­lated in your podcast.

    I am just com­ing back to pho­tog­ra­phy after many years of just tak­ing snap­shots. I’m try­ing to learn as much as I can and I know I need to exper­i­ment more. Your pod­cast has been a great help. I used to take pic­tures first with a SLR, then with a P&S and just recently I got my first DSLR.

    Sorry about this long note, but after lis­ten­ing to all of your pod­casts (BTW, not all of them can be down­loaded to iTunes — I had to down­load them directly from your web­site), some­times twice or three times, I felt that a Thank You note was in order.

    Best regards,

    Juan Velosa

  21. Chris S says:

    Hi Marko,

    Long time lis­tener first time emailer :) The pod­cast is great and I
    espe­cially like the diver­sity of the topics.

    Since it’s com­ing up to Christ­mas I wanted to sug­gest doing a pod­cast
    on how best to take pics of christ­mas lights etc or if you have any
    tips/tricks for that sort of thing :)

    Thanks for mak­ing the podcast!


  22. Kevin says:

    I would like to take the time to wish you and your wife a Merry Christ­mas and a happy New Year

    Your doing an amaz­ing job with the pod­casts, hope­fully you will con­tinue for at least another year.


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