In an effort to become a better podcaster and to make friends with the podcasting community, I attended PodCamp Toronto 2007 this weekend at the Rogers Communication Centre at Ryerson University.
What a blast. What an amazing‚community!
The sharing that went on was so unbelievable that at any point during the weekend‚somebody could have easily busted out a guitar and started singing Kumbaya! One of the biggest things we learned is that giving, giving giving is the key to building the strongest podcasting community possible. When everybody gives — everybody receives.‚And give people did. Here are just some of the people that helped me this weekend. I apologize in advance if I left anybody out.‚ Mitch Joel — always an amazing motivator, Julien Smith‚- great social networking speaker, Chris Penn — who I now refer to as ‘The Sage’, Mark Blevis, Bob Goyetche, Bryan Person, Jay Moohah, Hugh McGuire, Casey McKinnon and Rudy Jahchan, Chris Brogan, Mike Moon, Vergel Evans, Brent Morris, Michael Baily,‚Mark Juliano, Steve Saylor, Peter O’Connell, Donna Papacosta, Leesa Barnes, Jeff Persch‚and others that I will add in because I may have inadvertently forgotten them.
Although I am relatively new to podcasting, I’d like to carry on‚the spirit‚of giving. So this is an open invitation to share the knowledge that I have. I know a bit about podcasting and I know a lot about photography and a lot about pets. If anyone has any questions about these subjects, it would be my pleasure to help you if I can. Feel free to email me at‚photography.ca (a t) gmail (dot) com for any photography questions or podcasting questions. Feel free to email me at pets.ca (a t) gmail (dot) com for any pet related questions. If I can help — I will, and I’ll try to answer quickly as well. If I can’t help you, I can probably refer you to someone who can.
Hey there, thanks for mentioning me in regards to Podcamp. It was awesome meeting so many people, yourself included. I hope I was able to help out in any way I can.
Steve “Snowball” Saylor
Thanks for coming; it was a great event as you described, specifically because people like you made the effort to participate.
I hope we get to work together sometime.
Great discussions with you Marko. Best of luck with your present and future projects and hope our paths cross again soon.
Glad you had fun. I actually call Mr. Penn “The One” after Mitch said Chris reminded him of someone from The Matrix.
Next Canadian stop on this podcasting journey is in beautiful Kingston, so you may want to keep June free in your calendar.
Thanks for making Podcamp Toronto such a historic event.
Thanks for being a part of my weekend Marko, wasn’t that fun? Let’s promise to do it again sometime.. Hmmm… maybe June ?
Good to meet you, Marko! I look forward to seeing you in Boston this fall, and possibly sooner.
“The Sage”, such as it is…
I’m so glad you came out, and glad you gave all kinds of great participation. Here’s hoping what comes next for you is great! — Chris…
Kumbaya indeed! LOL
It was great to meet you, Marko. Hope to see you soon at another podcasting meetup.