Portrait from the Plateau — Julien Smith

I took this shot of my friend and fel­low podcaster/social media expert Julien Smith a few weeks ago in Parc Lafontaine in Mon­treal. Julien needed some promo shots and so we talked about what he wanted and took a vari­ety of shots in the ‘good light’. As I do with all my shoots, after giv­ing the client what they request, I always try a few shots of what I think ‘works’ for their look and per­son­al­ity even though it might not be their first instinct. Although there were many excel­lent shots from this shoot, this shot is my fave of the lot. I like this shot because Julien’s pose is very casual and the pose in the set­ting which I scouted before­hand :) has a teacher/guru like feel, which for me is in keep­ing with how I see Julien.

Portrait of Julien Smith

Por­trait of Julien Smith

On a tech­ni­cal note, Julien has wicked good eyes that reflect a lot of light so my fill flash was set to minus 3 stops lower than the ambi­ent light. The ISO was 400 shot at F2.8 at 1/250.


  1. admin says:

    If mem­ory serves, this was shot aper­ture pri­or­ity with the flash set at minus 3.

  2. sean says:

    Did you use man­ual mode or aper­ture mode?
    I won­der how to add fill light. Do you meter with­out flash, then add the flash with the same exposure?

  3. C.C. Chapman says:

    What a great shot and since I know Julien I can say that it really cap­tures his spirit per­fectly. Espe­cially the slight show­ing of the tat­toos on the arm and ankle.

  4. Sandra543 says:

    This shot is so strik­ing, what amaz­ing eyes he has! Great shot!

  5. Susan says:

    Stun­ning! What a won­der­ful shot, Marko! Bravo!

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