Photography podcast #56 talks about how to photograph smoke. We discuss photographing different types of smoke including incense, outdoor smoke and liquid nitrogen. One note right away is that if you want to try this, it’s fun, but have patience. The incense image below took about 90 minutes from setup to finishing shooting. If you want to try this yourself, here’s what I used for the shoot; Incense sticks, black background, 1 portable off camera flash (with sync cord to fire it) a CUSTOM (smirk) homemade snoot made on the spot, from construction paper that went on the portable flash to keep light off the background and a reflector (not essential, but helpful and you can use anything white). Thanks so much to Clusty for this awesome suggestion!

Incense smoke by Marko Kulik

Monk in outdoor smoke — Image by Marko Kulik

Scary theme using Liquid Nitrogen — Image by Marko Kulik
Links mentioned in this podcast:
Post processing assignment forum
October Assignment #2 — Halloween/Horror
Thanks as always to‚ Susan who posted a blog comment about our last podcast. Thanks also to Jlindy, Captureevermore, mpykalo, lamar328, photocell, EJC, CB Photo and jcrystall who recently joined the forum and posted a few times. We LOVE comments and suggestions so please send more.
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nice and i like your photos
untoro djogja
Some fantastic images here, I especially like the first image which I suppose would be the most simplest to reproduce. Its amazing the way the image captures the light filtering through the smoke.
While the smoke is wonderfully atmospheric in the second and third photographs that first photo is really wonderful.Something as simple as smoke and a talented person behind the lens has given birth to a real work of art.
Polaroid dvc 00725f
I created a video tutorial on incense smoke photography, check it out if you are interested.
Awesome podcast and I love the images that you shared to go with it!
Came across your podcasts when I was searching for a few tips on photography, my latest and thus far serious hobby, a couple of days back. And I’m so impressed by them that I listened to all the 56 episodes in the past three days! Really informative, and the best part is that I get to have all the information here, at one place! Great work man!!
And btw.. I’ve got myself a Panasonic Lumix FZ18, which though is not a dSLR, has manual control of everything from focus, shutter speed, aperture etc. etc.. and I’m lovin it! But with all the dSLR talks going on around, I just feel a bit left out!! I’ve put some pics that I’ve clicked on . I’d be very pleased and encouraged if you could check it out, and post in some comments.
And very sorry to hear about your mom. Unfortunately in life, all good things have an end.
Thanks and regards!
Jaideep from singapore
Thanks a bunch for the podcast.
hey gatepc and jen — thanks so much for the comments!
wow really good podcast
I love your first picture the podcast is very informative as usual
my user name is : gatepc on your forum