Picpockets by Jerry Ghionis

I met Jerry Ghio­nis at the 2008 Pho­to­Plus Expo/conference‚ in New york and he has what I think is a great teach­ing tool. They are sets of cards called Picpock­ets and they are the same size as play­ing cards but they con­tain pho­tos or pho­tos with notes writ­ten on them. They come in a sturdy pack and can be taken on loca­tion and used for inspi­ra­tion. The ‘Ordi­nary to Extra­or­di­nary’ series is nice because it shows you the sim­ple back­grounds plus the fairly sim­ple light­ing and Exif data that were used to cre­ate the many strik­ing pho­tographs that make up the set. Each set of cards cur­rently sells for about 80 dol­lars and con­tains about 50 cards. In the inter­est of full dis­clo­sure, Jerry was kind enough to give me sam­ples of his prod­ucts for review.

Ordinary-Extraordinary Vol 2

Ordinary-Extraordinary Vol 2

Ordinary-Extraordinary Vol 2

Ordinary-Extraordinary Vol 2


  1. Susan says:

    Very clever con­cept ! Play­ing cards to do the think­ing! And portable! :)


  1. […] Picpock­ets by Jerry Ghio­nis | Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast – pho­tog­ra­phy blog – Photogra… […]

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