Where the Ocean Meets the Sky

Calm image from a moving bus :)

Calm image from a mov­ing bus

Oh how this calm pho­to­graph is decep­tive! You’d think it was taken care­fully and leisurely and this is not at all the case. The truth is, is that it was taken through the win­dow of a bus mov­ing quickly down a rocky road. The only impor­tant thing done to this pho­to­graph in post was straight­en­ing as it was a good 25 degrees away from being ‘straight’. Exif data — F10 1/1250 ISO 640


  1. Rob says:

    What an eye-popping image. Very well done!

  2. Christina says:

    I have No skills at land­scape pho­tog­ra­phy, I so admire those who do…this shot is beautiful!

  3. Susan says:

    way to go on the steady hand! beau­ti­ful shot!

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