88 — Rain photography

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #88 talks about rain pho­tog­ra­phy and is based on a sug­ges­tion by Mad Aussie, Thanks MA. ‚ In the pod­cast we talk about how to go about‚ pro­tect­ing your­self and your cam­era so that you can enjoy rain pho­tog­ra­phy. We also talk about sub­ject mat­ter, tech­nique, after the rain cam­era care and we touch on light­ing as well.

Puddle and Reflection by Marko Kulik

Puddle-drop and Reflec­tion by Marko Kulik

Rainsleeve and Flash rainsleeve

Rainsleeve and Flash rainsleeve

Links /resources men­tioned in this podcast:

Rainsleeve for your DSLR and flash (at B&H)
Rainsleeve for your DSLR (at B&H)

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Thanks to Yise­haq, Jack Label,‚ Robertv and Glenn Euloth who posted a blog com­ment about our last pod­cast. Thanks as always to every­one that sent com­ments by email about our last pod­cast. Although ALL com­ments are appre­ci­ated, com­ment­ing directly in this blog is pre­ferred. Thanks as well to all the new mem­bers of the bul­letin board. Most of the links to actual the prod­ucts are affil­i­ate links that help sup­port this site. Thanks in advance if you pur­chase through those links.

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  1. Avital says:

    Hi, Marko, Another great pod­cast! I love rain pho­tog­ra­phy and some­times I’ve spent hours out­side, squat­ting low with a big umbrella bal­anced on my shoul­der (the han­dle was held between my knees) to pro­tect my cam­era. One tip that I wanted to men­tion is using a polar­iz­ing fil­ter, espe­cially if you’re pho­tograph­ing a lot of coloured foliage or clouds. The clouds look more dra­matic and the foliage colours are really intense. Even though the sun isn’t shin­ing, there can be a sur­pris­ing amount of reflec­tion off wet sur­faces like leaves.

  2. Thanks, Marko. I think you’ve inspired me to not moan about the rain so much. I’m going to try and put some of your sug­ges­tions to work as soon as I can get a lit­tle bit of rain gear. My biggest prob­lem, I think, was prob­a­bly feel­ing uncom­fort­able with­out the proper clothes.

  3. IceCreamMan says:


    I just wanted to stop by and say a BIG thank you! I recently found myself on two long drives–to and from a friends house. Early on, I tired of music and talk radio, so I Google searched “pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast” with my Droid. Lo and behold, your site popped up and I down­loaded ten or so pod­casts. They made the drive so much bet­ter, and I learned a few things as well. I really like your pre­sen­ta­tion and can­dor while explain­ing the easy, or dif­fi­cult, to under­stand pho­tog­ra­phy top­ics. Prior to the sec­ond leg of my drive, I down­loaded another 15 pod­casts and lis­tened for about 6 hours straight. I am excited to join your forum, and hear more pod­casts! Thanks!

    • admin says:

      Hey thanks a ton for that com­ment Ice­cream­Man — much appre­ci­ated! Glad I was able to help you pass the time on yr long dri­ves. Hope to see you on the forum!

      Thanks to every­one else for the com­ments as well!

  4. Hi Marko, I lis­tened to this pod­cast with great inter­est. Now that I live on Van­cou­ver Island I can expect to be doing plenty of pho­tog­ra­phy in the rain. I haven’t tried a rain sleeve yet, but will def­i­nitely look into it. I have on occa­sion used those plas­tic bags my news­pa­per is deliv­ered in; and with a cou­ple of elas­tics it does the trick. One thing that really comes in handy is being able to change set­ting on you cam­era when only look­ing through the viewfinder. This is true no mat­ter what rain sleeve you are using. Once the bag gets all spot­ted up with rain, your abil­ity to see the set­tings via the knobs/dials/LCD gets a whole lot trickier.

    Thanks for another great podcast.

  5. Shant M says:

    Hey Marko,

    Just a few small tip I’ve used before that someay find use­ful, a shut­ter speed of about 1/60 tends to yield some good results as far as motion blur of rain drops are con­cerned. Another (some may find to be obvi­ous) tip is to bring a CP fil­ter with you. Exper­i­ment to see the var­i­ous effects of haze, fog and reflec­tions the CP will make in your exposure.

    - Shant

  6. Robertv in Edinburgh. says:

    I don’t do much pho­tog­ra­phy in the rain as my cam­era body are not water­proof. I do occa­sion­ally go out with a spray bot­tle to add droplets to macro shots.

    Those rain sleeves are handy for ran­dom show­ers when you get caught out, so I always have a cheap Ebay ones with me.

  7. Sean G says:

    I love rain pho­tog­ra­phy, espe­cially since it seems to keep so many peo­ple inside. It’s a lot of fun to go to a pop­u­lar spot on a rainy day and have the place almost to yourself.

    I don’t use rain sleeves or any of that, I just use a sim­ple umbrella and tri­pod. Although I can’t work in windy con­di­tions, it’s great for those show­ery days or when the rain is just com­ing straight down. I carry a wash­cloth with me to dry off the errant droplets, but oth­er­wise the umbrella keeps every­thing dry.


    Great stuff from the pod­cast as always!

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