Photo of the Day — December 4, 2010 (graphic image)

This image is by one of my all time favorite pho­tog­ra­phers, Joel-Peter Witkin.
I’ve been fol­low­ing his work for around 20 years. The sec­ond I saw his work I was totally mes­mer­ized but there’s very lit­tle middle-ground in terms of lik­ing Witkin’s work, you will like it or not. For me, the atten­tion to detail, the fab­u­lous com­po­si­tions, the very unusual sub­ject mat­ter that he has pho­tographed for decades, and his mas­tery of print­ing make him one of my all time favorite photographers.

Mother of the Future (2004) Joel-Peter Witkin

Mother of the Future (2004) Joel-Peter Witkin

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