Vintage photo of the day – Dec. 18, 2010

The vin­tage pho­to­graph of the day is titled Shell by mas­ter Edward Weston and it was shot 83 years ago in 1927. Weston was well known for cap­tur­ing every­day objects in unique ways and many of his every­day inan­i­mate objects take on human body posi­tions and ges­tures. Pep­per No. 30 is another extremely famous Weston photo that also looks human.

One of the things that makes this pho­to­graph fab­u­lous is the ‘ges­ture’ of the shell. It looks like it’s engaged in rest­ing and nor­mally shells aren’t ‘engaged’ in any­thing because they are dead. This shell how­ever does not look dead, it looks sexy. The sharp­ness, com­po­si­tion and light­ing are also superb here. Just as an FYI, Weston shot many dif­fer­ent shells and they all tell dif­fer­ent stories.

Shell by Edward Weston - 1927

Shell by Edward Weston — 1927

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